I Want to Help You.

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A/N: Alrighty! Here's the update! Also, be sure to read the Author's note at the end of the chapter! Kinda important :P As always, feedback is appreciated!

(Third Person Pov)

It was quiet in the music room as everyone waited for Ami to return. Kyoya had already admitted that he lost the bet and he was now sitting at his usual table with his laptop out. He glanced at Sora from the corner of his eye, watching as the boy laid on the ground lazily, staring at the ceiling.

"You mentioned that you've known Ami for a long time..." Kyoya started. Sora turned his head to face the vice president with a raised eyebrow. "How long exactly?"

"Six years, if you count the three we were separated. " Sora answered immediately. Honey looked up from his cake to glance at Sora with confusion. He didn't understand why Sora would answer any of Kyoya's questions so willingly since it was obvious that Ami didn't want him too.

"It's safe to assume then that you know the reason there's no trace of Ami before two years ago. " Kyoya pushed.

"You assumed right." Sora sighed in boredom. He sat up before sitting Indian style to face Kyoya.

"You're surprisingly open." Haruhi sweat dropped from her spot on the couch. Sora shot her a beaming smile.

"I take that as a compliment." He laughed. "Though to be honest, I don't really have much of a choice. I'm a really horrible liar." He admitted without a second thought. Kyoya's eyes seemed to glow a sinister red in that moment.

"Oh? That's...convenient." He stated after a moment. Sora laughed cutely before shooting Kyoya a smile.

"That's what you'd think, right?" The statement seemed to throw everyone for a moment. He seemed exactly like Ami did the day they all first met. Cute laughter, a sweet smile, and cryptic answers. Kyoya wondered whether Sora got the trait from Ami, or if Sora had been the one to teach Ami instead.

"Earlier, you said you and Ami had a common goal and that's how you two became so close, can you tell us about that?" Haruhi politely questioned. Sora placed a finger to his chin while humming in thought.

"Tell you what, I can't promise they are going to be answers you like but I can promise to tell the truth and answer whatever you like, under some...conditions."

"Like what?" Kaoru voiced.

"First, if you're going to question Ami someone who lives in her mansion has to be there. That includes me, Hana, Hibiki, or Jun. Second, if your questioning Ami and I call out "Pass" you drop the question and move on. Finally, this isn't really a condition but you should know that there isn't one person besides Ami who knows the whole story. The person who knows the most would probably be Jun though but he'd never tell you guys anything no matter how much you begged."

"I thought you would know the most since you've known her longest?" Hikaru spoke up interrupting the rest of Sora's monologue.

"I can't really tell you much about what happened to Ami when she was younger because even though we were close, we weren't really together much. I can tell you what she told me and what I saw but there's still a lot of holes in the story. Jun could tell you everything from the time she spent with the Akiyama's on a first hand basis since he was there but before that it's just going off of what he's been told happened. Though, Ami definitely trusts him more than anyone so I'm sure she told him a lot. Hanna and Hibiki only know what Jun has told them. Ami hasn't told them anything so they're your worst source of information. "

"So basically, unless we get Ami to tell us herself we still won't know everything. Even if we questioned all four of you and you told us everything you all know." Kyoya grumbled.

It's Bittersweet (OHSHC Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin