Q & A

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A/N: Hello all my lovely readers! Here's the Q & A I've been talking about! Enjoy and a new chapter will be coming out before the end of January! Be on the look out :)

Author Questions-

1. How did you come up with backstories and characters for your story?

If I'm being honest, I've always been a really imaginative person so inspiration for characters come to me from many different places. Songs, people, anime, TV, other books, even dreams. For this story specifically, I can't really remember where a lot of my OC's came from but Ryu's appearance is based off of the character Ryu in "Akagami no shirayuki hime." Ami and Sora are both inspired by pictures I found online. Personality wise, I don't really base my characters off of anything. It's more like I type and they develop their own personalities on their own. It sounds weird but that's the best way I can think to describe it. As for their backstories, that's a whole different thing. It took me months of planning to figure out how I was going to connect all my characters to Ami's backstory. I knew what her story was going to be from the beginning, the hard part was putting a character like Sora into her story, and having it make actual, logical sense.

2. Do you have certain anime characters that play your OC's?

Not really, Honestly, I just know what they look like in my head and raid the internet to find photos that I think look the most like my mental image.


Um...Originally, I wasn't planning to. In fact, If you had asked me this when I first began writing this story I would have been adamantly against the idea. But I know A LOT of you have been asking for one and I understand why but to me personally, it makes me feel like if Sora and Ami got the ending you're all hoping for, it'd make their struggle somewhat pointless. BUT I'm still debating so for now it's a....maybe?

Jun Questions-

1. How do you know so much about Ami? Sometimes it seems like you know more about her past than she does.

That's a...interesting way to put it. I've never thought about it like that. To be honest, I'm not really sure what to say. What I will say is that when Ami first arrived at the mansion, she told her story to the Akiyama's and myself.

2. Why did you not want Koda to stay with Ami?

Ami can barely take care of herself, let alone a child she barely knows. Besides, his presence has me on edge for reasons I'd rather not explain.

3. Are you leaving again?

Possibly, it depends on...business.


Of course child! But your love must be strong enough to transcend across the planes of reality and reach me in this dimension of fanfiction. I welcome any woman up to the challenge. ;)

Ami Questions-

1. Sora or Honey?

No comment.

2. Are you still in love with Sora?

It's...complicated. I keep hurting him and I love him but I'm not sure if it's the right kind of love. Ugh! Thinking about it gives me a headache! NEXT QUESTION!

3. Do you like Hibiki?

Let's see...how to put this into words....to me Hibiki is....the reincarnation of Satan? NO, that's not right. Oh! He's like an ugly Christmas sweater your grandparents give you as a gift. On top of how annoying it is to keep in your closet, there's no way to return it or make it any cuter. Basically, it's a HUGE annoyance that you want to burn and forget all about.

4. Have you learned to read yet?

I'm still learning but I've reached a middle school level!

5. Are you worried that Koda is going to betray you and hand you over to Honey's uncle?

It hadn't even crossed my mind. I trust my little brother.

Sora Questions-


It's...hard to explain.

2. Where's your cat hoodie?

Good question! Where did I put that thing? Hm.....

3. What happened to your mom?


4. Where's the rest of the video?

I'm hiding it from Ami. I'm not sure how to show everyone the rest of the clips without Ami knowing.

5. Aren't you worried about Koda and how he knows Honey's uncle?

Of course I'm worried, but Ami trusts him and so I will to. Besides, I'm looking into a different possibility at the moment...

Hana questions-

1. When are you and Kyoya getting together?

Um...do I have to answer that? I'm not even sure how to...

2. Will the fundraiser for the church happen or not?


Hibiki Questions-

1. Do you like Ami?

Excuse me while I go Vomit. Seriously though, Ami is my friend and my boss, she's someone I have a lot of respect for as a person but romantically? NO WAY IN HELL! Also, if you tell her I said I respected her, I'll deny it.

2. So, you're some kind of secret genius?

Well, I mean...I'm not one to brag ;)

3. You're still perfect!

Not a question but I am ALWAYS open to compliments!

Ryu Questions-

1. Are you nervous about Koda being around Ami?

Kinda...He was with the man that hurt Ami but that man hurt Koda too. I think Koda knows that so he shouldn't like that man either...right?

Koda Questions-

1. Are you happy Ami took you in?


2. Did Honey's uncle teach you to fight too?

.............*stareeeeee* (A/N: *Awkward cough* Moving on.)

3. Why are you so weird around everyone except Ami?

....I like...Ami. My sister. (A/N: Due to Koda's limited vocabulary we ask for the reader's patience and understanding! Thank you in advance!)

4. Are you scared of Jun?

*Gets up and leaves.* (A/N: Ummm....I got nothing. *Throws away flashcards in defeat*)

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