A movie? (Part 2)

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A/n: This is the rest of chapter four! Not gonna lie, its probably my favorite chapter so far ;) Enjoy! Oh! and the song is above! Be sure to give it a listen! :D It's the

I really didn't want to go back to class after what had happened earlier but I couldn't hide in the nurse's office all day. Going to the library is useless, it's not like I could read the books. I glanced down at Usa-chan and the music room came to mind. Smiling slightly at the pink bunny, I made my way to the abandoned room. I fiddled with Usa-chan's ears as I walked, being sure to walk quickly so I could get there before homeroom ends. Walking down the empty halls with Usa-chan in my arms was strangely calming. I missed Aoi-chan desperately but somehow, it feels more bearable now. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I almost walked past the music room. Snickering at myself I opened the double doors to be met with silence. I found my way to one of the couches I had been sitting on the last time I was here.

"Want some candy, Usa-chan?" I asked the bunny. Reaching for my bag I sighed when my hand met air. Of course I would forget my bag in homeroom. "Sorry, Usa-chan. I left my bag." I explained. I looked around the enormous room trying to find something to do. My eyes found their way to a piano covered up in the corner. Memories of Ms.Akiyama playing the piano in the mansion passed in front of me. I found my feet moving unconsciously towards it.


"Would you like to learn, Ami?" Ms. Akiyama's frail hand reached out to me as I looked at her in surprise.

"I couldn't do that, miss! It would take too long and I have so many chores to do and-"

"Why don't you learn for me, child? I'm getting far too old to play the piano. Pretty soon my hands won't be able to stay still enough for me to play the correct keys." She smiled. Her grey hair glistened in the sunlight coming from the open windows. Her brown eyes were kind as they looked at me with warmth and I found it hard to deny her.

"What are you talking about, miss! You could pass for 40 easily." I joked. Her melodic laugh met my ears and I found myself smiling naturally.

"Your much too sweet, Ami. It would fill my heart if I could hear this song, even if I can't play it anymore. Won't you please learn it, for me?" Her words were sad and serious. Ms.Akiyama had been getting significantly frailer lately. Her hands shook randomly and it was difficult for her to control them. Jun and I have noticed but she tried so hard to hide it that we felt it wasn't our place to upset her by asking questions. I found myself bowing before her.

"It would be an honor, my lady." I spoke. Her eyes seemed to shine even brighter at my response and it made me happy that I could cheer her up. I sat beside her on the piano bench as she attempted to teach me the song. She played, and I memorized. It was a month later that the inevitable had occurred. Jun served tea for Ms.Akiyama and when she went to bring the cup to her lips, her hand shook violently and the cup was sent crashing to the ground. Jun and I watched her in silence before he quickly bent down to pick up the glass shards.

"Ami, my dear." Ms. Akiyama called out to me. I looked up from the floor to meet her sad gaze. She held out her hand to me and wordlessly I held on to her shaking hand. "Take me to the piano." She commanded. Without hesitation I led her to the sitting room, before laying her on one of the couches. She rested her head back but said nothing. I understood what she wanted and I wasted no time making my way to the grand piano. I played the song Ms.Akiyama had spent an entire month teaching me. Jun watched us in the doorway and even though I failed to see it. Jun clearly saw the tear run down Ms.Akiyama's cheek as I played, tears of goodbye.

*Flashback Over*

My fingers ran along the smooth keys before I took a seat on the piano bench. I placed Usa-chan on the music stand before resting my hands on the keys again.

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