Chapter. 1

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It was a bright, sunny morning in Beach City. The attention today was focused on two infants who happened to be born on the same day, of the same year, at the same time. (but you're older by 3 seconds)
"It's remarkable!!" some would say.
"It's a coincidence..." others would say.
However, it was a bit of both, nobody predicted how important their lives together would be.

Rose Quartz and Greg Universe, the proud parents of Steven Quartz Universe. Rose was a the leader a gem rebellion, fighting in wars that would last thousands of years. Greg was a retired rock musician, who now worked at a local car wash in Beach City.
Greg wasn't aware that in order for Steven to live, Rose couldn't, and that was something that would haunt the family.

(Your mother's name) and (your father's name), the happy and proud parents of the adorable child (y/n).
(Y/m/n) was a very successful (mother's occupation).
(Y/f/n) was a (father's occupation)
Their parents had no idea about what their child's future would become.

"He's perfect, Greg"
"They're perfect, (y/d/n)"
The two pairs of parents had no idea that their child was born the same year, day, and time as the other child. It was something they wouldn't find out for a while.

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