Chapter. 60

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"Good morning, Connie!" you heard Steven yell.
Connie didn't reply.
Steven was wearing a bald cap to make Connie laugh. She didn't notice.
"What's going on wi-"
"Morning, Love." Garnet chimed, you quickly spun around, surprised.
"Uh, morning, Garnet!" you nervously replied.
"Everything okay?" Garnet asked you. You nodded your head, looking over at Steven and Connie.
"Steven and Connie are going to practice as Stevonnie today. I was thinking we could practice as (f/n) too."
"Sure, sounds good." you quickly said, stepping onto the warp with Pearl, Connie, and Steven.
Garnet growled and followed you soon after.

"Go, Stevonnie!" Garnet yelled. You sat in silence. You watched Stevonnie skillfully take out the holo-pearls and the holo-pearl fusions.
Suddenly, Stevonnie unfused. It was in the middle of their training too.
"Connie!" Steven yelled, running after a sad Connie.
"Connie." you repeated, walking towards them. Garnet grabbed your hand.
"I'll go." she stated.
You watched as Garnet walked away.
"Is everything alright, (y/n)?" Pearl asked you.
"Yeah, it's just..."

"Alright, let's fuse!" Garnet announced, beginning her part of the dance. You did the same.
The two of you fused into (f/n).
"Alright, begin!"
Steven tossed (f/n) (y/n)'s sword.
(F/n) summoned Garnet's gauntlets and they merged their weapons.
"Sweet, it's an axe!"
"Cool!" Steven exclaimed.
"Alrighty, let's beat these Pearls!"
(F/n) took out the holo-pearls. That was until,
"Mom?!" you yelled, losing stability in your fusion, the two of you ended up unfusing.
"(Y/n), what's the matter?!" Garnet yelled. You were gone.
"Where'd she go?!" Steven exclaimed.
"She couldn't have gotten far. Gems, start searching." with that they all took off in different directions looking for you.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being good enough. I... I just... I'm trying... I'm trying my best to not disappoint you. I love you, I really do..."
"(Y/n)?" you heard Connie question. You darted up from your hiding place.
"Are you okay?" Connie asked, grabbing hold of your hand.
"Yeah," you replied. "It's just," you stopped yourself before you were able to continue.
"Tell me. Please... I-I wanna help!"
You sighed.
"Today, today is the day that my parents left me. They left me with the gems a few years ago. I've never gotten over it. Usually, I can conceal it. Not today..." tears threatened to spill down your face.
"I kinda know what you mean by not being able to conceal it. Today, I did something awful at school! I beat up a kid, just for bumping into me. I don't know what I was thinking!"
There was a silence between the two of you.
"(Y/n)!" you heard Garnet yell. You looked up as she embraced you in a tight hug.
"You had me worried sick. Where in the universe did you go?" Garnet asked you.
"Did you see it too?" you questioned, your fists clenching. Garnet sighed,
"Yes." she replied.
"(Y/n), if something bothers you that much, take a moment to think of just, flexibility, love, and trust. Now, here comes a thought, that might alarm you. What someone said, and how they harmed you.
Garnet continued to lecture you. Soon you were calm once again.
"I really needed that."
"We all did."

(Heya, Gems! I just wanted to let you all know that I (once again) changed my update schedule. Now, its MONDAYS and FRIDAYS. Sorry, school just started up and I need to try and be flexible.
Also, anyone else love the new song? Me personally, it calms my anxiety.
I love you all my beautiful Gems!)

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