Chapter. 48

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(this takes place when Steven tells the gems everything.)

(Garnet's POV)

Pearl, Amethyst and myself were sitting in the kitchen, talking about Bismuth.
"It's been so long.." Pearl whispered, tracing circles on the kitchen counter.
"Speaking of Bismuth, where is she?" Amethyst questioned, looking around. At that moment the warp pad suddenly activated. I could hear the sound of the warp whistle. My stomach clenched and my breathing hitched.
"The warp?" Pearl questioned, stepping forward.
"It can't be..." I mummbled, my voice shaking.
"Garnet, didn't you give (y/n) a warp whistle?" Amethyst asked me, looking up at me with fear in her eyes.
Without a word I quickly nodded and ran into the warp.

When we arrived we took notice that the floor was sunk in and a chest was left opened. The heat in the room was extreme. I didn't mind it. All I wanted to confirm was that my love was okay.
"G-Guys?!" I heard the voice of Steven yell. My eyes shot wide open and without another thought I jumped into the I underground room.
The scene before me left me speechless. Steven was doing his best to try and get a gigantic rock off of my dear, (y/n). As I watched I noticed she wasn't moving. I gasped and made my way to Steven. I quickly picked up the gigantic rock with one hand and threw it to the side.
"(y/n)...?" I questioned, placing my hand onto her burnt face. She has so many cuts, bruises and burns. Steven has some too but the burns of (y/n) seemed much more serious.
"I'm not losing you..." I whispered, picking her and Steven up and jumping up through the hole.
"What happened?" Pearl gasped.
"No time," I said in reply. Her heart rate was dropping more and more.
I quickly ran out, the gems following close behind. Pearl had an exhausted Steven on her back and Amethyst had a look of worry.

We arrived back at the temple and I urged Steven to call the emergency number his father made him memorize as a child. Steven did so and I sat with (y/n). She still wasn't moving.
When Steven was done he quickly made his way to the couch. The gem of Bismuth in a bubble.
"Did she do this?" I questioned, looking over at Steven. I felt tears sting in my eyes when Steven sadly nodded on confirmation.
"Pearl, take Steven and put Bismuth where she belongs." I instructed. Pearl sadly nodded her head and opened the temple door.
"I hate to say I told you so but, I told you so..." Amethyst told me, looking down at (y/n) with worry.
"Now is not the time, Amethyst." I replied, my teeth clenched.
"She's gonna be fine." Amethyst reassured, patting me on the back. She walked away without another word.
The room fell silent. The kind of eerie silence you would expect from a horror movie.
I removed my shades and looked down at her. My eyes stinging. I could feel myself losing control. I had to keep it together. For myself. For my team. For my love...

When the ambulance arrived I felt some relief wash over. I quickly ran outside, her seemingly lifeless body in my arms.
"We received a ca-"
"No time for that!" I yelled, handing them (y/n). They quickly placed her onto a bed and pushed her into the truck.
"Does anyone wish to accom-"
"I will." I said sternly. The paramedics nodded and I got into the back with them.

"You can't come in yet." a nurse told me, doing her best attempt at holding me back. I was enraged, nothing at this point could hold me back. Especially a scrawny looking nurse.
I could easily break her...
I shook my head of the terrible thought and took a seat with other worried and sick looking people. Some were calling family and friends on the phone. Some were pacing around the room. Some people were crying and others were just sick. I took a seat next to a woman who seemed nice.
"Ugh, same sex couples shouldn't be allowed..." she told me, looking over at two woman embracing eachother. Every now and then they would give sad kisses to one another to try and cheer eachother up.
"Why not?" I asked, my hands digging into the arms of the chair.
"It's not right. It's disgusting. It's a crime against religion." the woman replied, sneaking a glance at me.
"You're the one that's disgusting!" I suddenly yelled, shooting up from my seat. I made a gaunlet appear in my left hand.
"You better learn to hold your tounge or else I'll rip it out and hold it for you!" I threatened. The woman stared at me, her eyes showing fear. The hospital and it's employees were looking at me as well.
"(y/n) (l/n)." a doctor suddenly called. I shot my head in the direction of the doctor and made my way towards her.
"Follow me." she instructed.

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