Chapter. 71

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You and Steven were currently asleep. You felt a strange feeling in your bed. You slowly opened your tired eyes and noticed a pool of liquid on the bed. "Awh gross!" you yelped, jumping off of the bed. 'The one time I decided to have a sleep over' you told yourself, looking at the still sleeping Steven. You noticed his faint figure in the dark. The water was coming from his eyes. He was crying! "Steven! Steven, wake up!" you yelled, poking him in the stomach. Steven was a heavy sleeper and was not at all fazed by this. You let out a tired sigh and jumped onto Steven. He let out a loud groan and awoke immediately. "Steven, what's wrong?!" you yelled in his face. "What? What do you mean? It's like 1 a.m. what's going on?" Steven questioned, discombobulated from just being startled awake. "Y-you were crying. What's wrong?" you asked, worried for your best friend. "I was? Nothing. I'm fine. I just had a dream that Dogcopter and I were at the movies watching Lion Ball Z: Kai." Steven explained, confusion obvious in all of his actions. You cocked an eyebrow and looked at the puddle of salty tears. "But the water?" Steven looked down and jumped, he somehow hadn't noticed the puddle.
In the morning you and Steven made breakfast for yourselves and Amethyst, who always hogged the food. The breakfast consisted of eggs, bacon, sausage, pizza, waffles, cereal, and various juices and milks. (Unless you're vegetarian/vegan like me) When the gems came out of their respected rooms they all smiled at the two of you working together to get to the highest shelf. In the end Garnet had to reach the cup for the both of you. The two of mumbling a bashful 'thank you' after.
Breakfast was silent which was abnormal. In an act to break the silence you brought up the nights occurrences which sparked an interest in the gems minds. "Probably just an unregistered night terror that Steven had no cranial awareness he was having." Pearl said, fixing a nearby vase of flowers. You all looked at her in confusion. Pearl let out a sigh and simplified it. "Steven didn't know he was having night terrors." the room erupted in 'ooooh's. After Pearl's explanation you looked over at Steven who was eating his breakfast when all of a sudden gigantic tears the size of a small waterfall bursted from his eyes and onto it he wooden floor. You gasped and ran over to his side of the table, napkin in hand. The tears easily drenched the napkin and you threw it to the side in frustration. "Steven, what's wrong?!" you asked, genuinely worried. "I-I don't know!"

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