Chapter 76

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(I have been chosen to be a nominee in the Steven Universe Awards!! This book might be able to win if all of you lovely readers vote, so please make sure you do so!!)

Garnet sat in the living room waiting for you to wake up. As soon as she heard you make your way into the bathroom she couldn't help but crack a small smile. Lately Garnet has felt as though she's been a bit neglectful towards you, so she chose to use today to make it up to you. She has a fun day planned just for the both of you, and she couldn't wait for it to begin. "Good-morning, Garnet." you smiled, giving her a warm hug. "Good-morning, love." Garnet replied, returning the favor. As you pulled away Garnet stood up, a bright smile on her face. "Darling, do me a favor and get dressed for today. Make sure to dress a bit comfortably. We have a lot in store for today," Garnet spoke, her visor sparkling in the morning light. You nodded with a smile, running back up the steps to get changed.

After getting yourself dressed you began to do your hair, and made sure to do a double-take in the mirror before making your way back down the steps. Garnet's mouth curled into a bright smile, and she brought her hands over her mouth. "Are you okay?" you questioned with a laugh, a bright smile appearing on your face. "You're absolutely stunning!" Garnet exclaimed, spinning you around the room. The two of you felt closer than you'd ever felt before. Garnet's gems began to glow a bright hue, and you couldn't keep your heart from beating faster. However, after some time, her gems dulled. Garnet looked into your eyes, her expression saddened. "I was certain we would fuse that time." she sighed, placing you onto the floor. "Some day we'll get it right, my love. Just be patient." you encouraged as your hand intertwined with her own. The two of you walked out of the house, the other occupants of the house watching your figures disappear.

"So, where are you taking me?" you asked, watching as Garnet lead you down the boardwalk. "I'm going to take you to a few selected places," she replied. You rolled your eyes, a smile making it's way onto your face. She lead you into the gates of Fun Land, and you immediately took notice of a booth that held gigantic plush Pikachus. The stuffed toys were bigger than your entire body, and you knew you had to have one. "I'm guessing you like that one?" Garnet questioned with a laugh, gesturing to the booth. You nodded your head happily, and the two of you quickly made your way over.
The rules were simple: you had three chances to knock down a stack of bottles. In order to win you have to knock down every stacked bottle down.
"I wanna go first!" you exclaimed, taking the ball into your hand and throwing it at the bottles. You missed by quite a bit, but you still have two more chances! "Let me try again." you said once more. Garnet chuckled, an amused smile on her face. You concentrated hard this time, sticking out your tongue while doing so. You threw the ball as hard as you possibly could, and knocked down the top bottle. "So close kiddo, but you have to knock them all down," the man running the booth told you, placing the bottle back on top. You started fuming, you really wanted one. "Don't worry, love. We still have one more chance, let me try." Garnet told you, giving you a kiss as she picked up the final ball. Garnet stood back from the booth, a large smirk on her face. She threw the ball with full strength, the ball traveling faster than your eyes could process. The ball made a large gust of wind as it passed by, and every single bottle inside the booth fell to the floor once impact was made. The man at the booth stood in shock, his eyes wide. "I'll take that one." Garnet instructed, pointing to the largest Pikachu that was hung up. The man nodded his head in fear, and quickly handed the stuffed toy to Garnet, who gladly gave it to you. You smiled brighter than the sun as you tightly hugged the toy. "Thank you so much! I love it! I love you!" you exclaimed, making yourself taller so you could kiss her cheek. Garnet smiled, returning the kiss. "Today has been the best day ever!" you exclaimed, trying your best to walk with the gigantic Pikachu blocking your vision. "And it's only just begun, my dear. Would you like me to hold that for you? You seem to be struggling," you nodded your head and Garnet took it from you.
"Now what are we gonna do?"

"Whatever you'd like, my love,"

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