Chapter. 19

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Night, Steven!" you happily exclaimed as you positioned yourself next to Steven.
"Night, (y/n)!" Steven said in reply. The two of you were getting ready to close your eyes when you saw something at the foot of the bed.
"Steven, what's that...?" you questioned. You slowly crawled towards the triangle shaped object. It sprung up and you took notice of the familiar face.
"Peridot?!" you yelled in surprise. Peridot quickly shushed the both of you. Suddenly everything went black.

You woke up with a throbbing pain in your head. Your eyes adjusted to the new lighting, and you saw that you were at the Galaxy Warp.
"How the heck did I end up here?" you asked yourself. You tried to stand, but something was holding you down. Peridot had you in a beam. Steven was talking with a clearly nervous Peridot. You fell from the beam as Peridot sat on the ground, holding herself in fear.
"Steven!" you heard the familiar voice of Pearl yell. Peridot shot up and tried to escape, but Garnet caught her with her gauntlets. That's when Peridot poofed. Her limb enhancers fell onto the floor, and her gem was in Garnet's hands.
"What now?" you asked, your expression saddening over what just occured.
"Now, we don't have to worry about her anymore." Garnet replied, bubbling Peridot, and sending her off to the temple.
"Poor Peri..." you mumbled. You and the rest of your little family stepped onto the warp pad, and made your way home.

(Peridot's POV)
Those clods... All they do is mess up my plans, and make it harder for me to get home! Don't they know what in the universe is going on?! Now I'm stuck in this stupid gem until they decide what they're going to do to me! Questioning? Torture? Are they going to shatter me?! I don't even know! As a matter of fact, I don't even want to know. Am I just going to stay trapped in this gem till the cluster emerges and kills off this entire planet?

(Regular POV)
"Steven..." you whispered. Steven turned his body to face away from you.
"Steven, wake up!" you whisper yelled.
"What?" Steven mumbled, he was obviously tired. Who wouldn't be? It was 4:20am.
"Let's go check on Peri!" You happily whispered, shaking him awake.
"Are you insane?" Steven asked, tiredly rubbing his eyes.
"Partially," You stated in reply.
"Now c'mon!" Steven sighed and sat up in bed.
"I can't catch a break with you." Steven spoke with a tired, but happy smile. You fist pumped the air, and you and Steven made your way down the steps and to the temple door. Steven lifted up his shirt and faced the door which opened in a rose shaped pattern.
"Wow," you whispered, stars in your eyes. "I wish I could do that,"
"Let's get going before the gems see." Steven instructed, which you quickly complied to.
"Mom's room... Show me Peridot!" Steven yelled. A gigantic pink cloud covered yo,u and when your vision finally cleared you looked up and saw Peridot.
"Hey, how did Peridot get here...?" you asked, walking towards 'Peridot'.
"Oh..." Steven started "It's not really Peridot... It's kinda like a recreation of her that this room made." Steven answered, walking closer to the mass-produced Peridot. 
"I guess that make sense..." you mumbled.
Peridot's copy began speaking, however, it was cut off at the most important part; just like before.
"No!" Steven loudly groaned in frustration.
"Hey, why don't we just go to the room where all the bubbled gems are kept?" you suggested with a shrug.
"Yeah, Let's do it!" Steven happily exclaimed in reply.
"How do we get there though...?" you asked.
"Oh.... I think there's a way over here...?" Steven said in a questioning tone of voice.
"Steven Quartz Universe, if I follow you in this room, and we somehow get lost I'm going to kick your butt so hard your children are going to feel it." you stated.
"Noted." Steven replied.

Luckily, Steven didn't get the two of you lost. Well, in a way he did, because you got lost in a wall of pink clouds that restricted your breathing. You're fine now though and that's what matters!
"Steven... this place..." you whispered in awe.
"This is where we keep all of the shattered, corrupted, and poofed gems." Steven explained, "with the exception of a bag of Chaaaps that I left here for Centipeedle." Steven said, a big smile plastered onto his chubby face as he looked around.
"As much beauty as this place has, it's giving me the creeps. So, if you don't mind, let's find Peridot and get the heck out of here.
"Good idea," Steven said in reply.

Peridot was released from her captivity when Steven grabbed her bubble. When she was released she quickly reformed into a much... smaller... version of her previous self.
"You clods!" Peridot yelled, pointing her arm at the both of you. It was then she noticed something.
"Where are my limb enhancers?!" Peridot yelled in peril.
"Limb enhancers?" Steven questioned.
"Is that why you were taller than me?!" you yelled.

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