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"W-What's the mission, Garnet?!" Steven exclaimed, stars in his eyes.
"The mission is to go take care of a dangerous gem monster, and (y/n) is coming with us!" Garnet announced.
"W-What?!" You yelled, choking on your donut.
"You're coming on this mission. Whether you like it or not,"
"But Garnet! They're not ready!" Pearl yelled, grabbing onto Garnet's arm.
"And they don't even have a weapon," Amethyst added.
"I know... but I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity for (y/n)." Garnet said, fixing her shades.
"We brought you here to help us in a fight against great dangers, and to help us defeat the threats that have been coming from our own kind. I know you have a great strength, but you haven't tapped into it yet. I believe in you, (y/n)" Garnet spoke. You were skeptical at first, but soon gave in.
"I'll help you fight." you said with a smile. Garnet smiled in return, but it quickly faded.
"Crystal Gems! Lets get going!" Garnet yelled.
"Yay!" Steven exclaimed.
"Not you, Steven..."

The four of you stepped onto the warp pad which you looked at in amazement.
"What the heck is this thing?!" you yelled, tapping on it.
"A warp pad," Amethyst stated, as if it wasn't obvious.
"W-Well what does it do?" you asked, examining it further.
"It warps," Garnet answered whilst activating it.
The gems stood still on the warp pad like it was nothing. You on the other hand, were floating in the air, your hair and clothing going in all directions.
"What the heck!" you yelled, stars in your eyes. You were amazed, but terrified at the same time.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Amethyst said, pulling you down by your leg. When Amethyst had pulled you down the four of you arrived in a gigantic patch of strawberries.
"Whoa! This place is... amazing!" you exclaimed in amazement.
"This is the battlefield where we fought a myriad of battles a few thousand years ago," Pearl explained, walking with you.
"A few thousand years ago..? How old are you guys exactly?" you asked.
"Much older than any human being!" Pearl yelled enthusiastically, a bright smile on her face.
"You're kidding, right?" you laughed. The gems, however, were not amused.
"I don't 'kid', (y/n)" Pearl said.
A nearby twig suddenly snapped, and the gems quickly took out their weapons. Since you didn't have a weapon you grabbed the nearest object. It was a pointy stick.
"Oh yeah... this is totally gonna help..." you sarcastically mumbled under your breath.
A medium sized monster stomped towards you and the gems. It roared in your faces, warning you to back off while you still had the chance. The gems stood their ground, not moving at all. Fierce looks plastered on each of their faces. The monster charged and slapped Pearl and Amethyst into the field. Far away. It tried to slap Garnet, but Garnet grabbed one of it's arms with her gauntlets, and held it's arm tightly. The monster then used it's other free arm to smack Garnet repeatedly, until she was barely standing up. Garnet collapsed onto the ground, and her gauntlets disappeared into thin air. She was practically motionless. Luckily, she was breathing as far as you could tell. The monster raised one of it's legs in an attempt to crush Garnet, you gasped, and looked in your hand to see the stick still there. Not knowing what to do with the object, you threw the sharp stick, and it hit the monster in the eye. The monster shrieked a sound of pain, and stumbled backwards. The monster held onto it's eye, and suddenly poofed away in a cloud of pink smoke. Pearl and Amethyst came out of the strawberry field. Pearl looked around, and when she saw the monster's gem she quickly ran over to it and bubbled it before the beast could reform.
"Garnet!" you yelled, running towards her.
"I'm fine..." Garnet reassured, slowly standing and cracking her knuckles and neck.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

"You did a great job, (y/n). It was a lucky shot, but you still did it. I'm proud of you." Garnet said smiling.
"Thank you, Garnet"
Everyone congratulated you, and you happily walked into the room that you and Steven shared.
Maybe living with the gems wouldn't be so bad after all.

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