Chapter. 64

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"I don't know, Steven... Onion seems really... Evil..." you said to Steven, pacing around the living room.
"Awh, that's only cause he's a diffident kind of guy."
"Steven, I know diffident. And Onion is not it. He's just flat out creepy!!"
"Well, he's coming over today whether you like it or not." Steven growled, stomping his foot.
"Fine." you gave in, putting up your arms in defense.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"Speak of the devil..."
"Coming!! Oh, Onion!!" Steven cheered
"Need someone to hang out with again?" Steven questioned
"Come on in,"
Onion didn't.
"Oh I see, Onion wanted to come in but he paused in the doorway because he needed to take his shoes off, but he didn't know how!!"
Onion shook his head no and held out his hand to Steven.
"Steven. don't." you gritted, grabbing one of his free hands.
Steven ignored your words and grabbed Onion's hand with his other free hand. That's when Onion dragged him out of the house.

Onion took the both of you to the woods. An eerie breeze blew making the leaves dance and Onion's cape ominously blow.
Onion slowly and creepily brought his hand to his lips and let out an ear piercing whistle.
"Whoa... I didn't know you could whistle like that!!"
The nearby bushes moved around.
"Garbanzo!!" a masked figure suddenly yelled out. This caused you and Steven to fall back screaming.
"Who are you?! Your slow and eerie approach is making me uncomfortable!!" Steven yelled at the unknown assailant.
"Oh my stars, Onion hired a hit man to kill us!!" you yelled, tears falling.
If it wasn't bad enough another figure came from out of a nearby log.
"Onion run!!" Steven yelled as another jumped out from a tree.
"Onion...?" Steven questioned, looking up at them.
"Do you know these guys Onion?" Steven questioned. Onion nodded and brought the 4 of them into a hug.
"Oh, they're your friends!!" Steven exclaimed, helping you up.
"Well, my names Steven." he introduced. 
"And I'm (y/n)." you added, dusting yourself off.
"Garbanzo!!" one of the children yelled.
"Since you're named after a bean then the baby on your back must be Pinto!!" Steven giggled. The two smiled at this.
"What's your name?" you asked the boy in the overalls. The boy lifted up his hat to reveal a squash.
"I guess it's Squash.." you giggled. Squash winked at you.
"And on my left we have, Slingshot!!"
The unknown child hit the pot on his head.
The child once again hit the pot, this time with anger.
"Soup?" you questioned, a taunting laugh coming after. Soup smiled and blew a kiss to you.
"Well damn..."

You had wandered off into the woods and when you came back Onion's gang had built a small car.
"That's awesome!!" Steven yelled, jumping on with them.
"Have fun!!" you yelled. Steven shook his head and pulled you up with him.
You drove all over the woods and Beach City.
Suddenly the cart hit a pot and Garbanzo fell off, splashing ketchup on himself soon after.
Squash held his hand.
"Wait, he's gonna be okay, right?! It was just a little spill!!" Steven yelled in obvious worry.
"Garbanzo...." Garbanzo breathed out. Squash shut his eye lids.
"Garbanzo? Is this really happening?" Steven questioned.
Onion's gang put down their heads in sorrow.
"You've gotta be kidding..." you mumbled, face-palming.
Pinto crawled onto Garbanzo's stomach.
"I'll call a medical professional." Steven announced. Pinto rubbed her hands together and slapped them onto Garbanzo's face.
"Gar... Garbanzo!!"
"It's a miracle!! Pinto has healing pow-"
Onion nudged Steven with a wink.
"Why'd you nudge me like it was all... A big joke?!"
Steven began to nervously laugh and clutch his chest.
The gang pulled out a coat from the box.
"Nope!!" you yelled, putting up your hands.
The gang piled themselves into the coat with Steven on top. They used a hat as the finishing touch.
"How do I- We look?" Steven asked you.
"Like a pedophile." you blankly stated.

"Why do you have a picture of suitcase Sam? And Garnet?"
They all ignored you. Onion began drawing lines in the dirt. Soup lifted up his hat and an army of bugs crawled out. You and Steven shivered in disgust. Everyone except for you grabbed a bug from the pot.
"Oh cool, a bug race." you laughed, walking over.
Steven's bug won the race and everyone congratulated him, pulling him up into the air and carrying him to a stump. The winning bug perched on it. Garbanzo presented Steven with a hammer which he gladly took.
They gestured to the bug.
"They want you to smash it..." you whispered in the innocent boys ear.
"But he won!!" Steven yelled in protest.
"I can't do it!! Bugs may be weird but I won't kill one!!" Steven yelled.
"I'm going home!!" Steven yelled. You followed Steven and Onion followed the both of you.

"Let's see, no more weirdo friends. I bet my best friend Connie is free." Steven told himself, dialing Connie.
"Hey Connie, I was wondering if you wanted to... Uhm no.. There's no mission, I wanted to hang out... You gotta do back to school shopping? Oh, okay. Well, say hi to the pencils for me." Steven hung up and sighed.
"Try Peedee?" you suggested.
Steven texted Peedee
Peedee had work to do. Steven scrolled through his contacts trying to find someone. Nobody.

Steven lied on the couch near the window, lonely. Onion came and knocked on the door.
"Damnit Onion..." you groaned.
"No Onion, just leave me alone!!" Steven yelled.
Onion jumped through the screen.
"What the actual fu-!!"
Onion began to drag Steven out of the house.
"The only reason you hang out with me is because you feel bad for me, isn't it?" Steven asked. Onion shook his head no.
"Those kids in the woods... You understand each other and you don't even talk!! So just go..."
"Just go Onion..." you mumbled, pulling Steven in for a hug.
Onion left the bug that had won the race.

Steven ran into the woods after Onion. When he arrived he saw that the gang was packing up.
"Hey, are you guys leaving?" Steven sadly asked.
"I'm sorry about being weirded out by you guys!! You don't have to leave!!" Steven pleaded. Onion gave Steven a nearby leaf.
"Oh, I get it now... You guys only come to Beach City during the summer months... And since the fall is starting it must be time for you to go home....." Steven said, his eyes full of sadness.
They pulled in Steven for a sad hug and drove off. Onion soon sadly walked away.
"Now I see why you wanted me to come back so badly, you wanted all your friends in one place."

"Steven!!" you yelled, throwing yourself out from some nearby bushes. Steven and Onion were in a tight hug.
"Huh, I guess you're not so bad Onion. But you better be good to Steven.... Also, I need that picture of Garnet."

(Monday's and Saturday's are my new update days... Sorry for always changing it..."

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