Chapter 97

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You sat in your room, getting ready for the wedding. You could hear all the lively chatter outside your bedroom door, and it made you so very happy in this moment. You stared at yourself in the mirror, your cheeks dusted a light pink as you thought about what would be happening in just a few short hours.

You all decided that for the sake of the future you wouldn't promise yourself to Garnet, but you promised your love for her as long as it resided within you. You are promising to be there for her and to love her as she does you, and if you do decide to be with her forever (once you're at consenting age, of course) then you'll promise that to her too.


You sat in a chair right in front of Sapphire, admiring her beautiful form as you all awaited Ruby's arrival. Peridot suddenly began waltzing down the aisle, chucking flowers like canon balls

"Flowers for you!"

"Flowers for you!"

"Flowers for YOU!"

The last flower she threw ended up literally knocking Mr. Fryman out of his seat. You'd have to apologize on behalf of Peridot later on....

Greg slowly began strumming the strings on his guitar, and you watch as Ruby appeared from the house in a white wedding dress that perfectly framed her form. She hurriedly made her way down the steps and to the aisle, fiery footprints being left behind with every step she took. In an effort to make it down the aisle as fast as possible she boosted herself, taking form of what appeared to be a giant fireball, and burning down the aisle at breakneck speed.

As she passed you she set the tip of your shoe ablaze, making you quietly gasp as you quickly bent down to put it out.

Steven cleared his throat, and the crowd of people began to quiet down, a content silence filling the air.

"Dearly beloved gems, humans, lions big and small, living gourds, Onion - we are gathered here today to celebrate Ruby and Sapphire, two of my favorite people, who combine into one of my other favorite people. You probably all know her as Garnet. She's their love given form, and that love includes my favorite sibling (Y/n), who has promised to love them too, now I'll hand it off to the three of you,"

Ruby was the first to speak, you happily watched as she spoke. "I know this is all kind of silly, I mean, we've been together for 5,750 years,"

"And eight months!" You and Sapphire chimed in.

"I used to feel like I wasn't much good, just one of me on my own, but when we're together it feels like it's okay to just be me. So I wanna be me, with you, and not even the diamonds will come between us! And if they try, we'll beat 'em up!" Ruby spoke, punching and kicking the air, making you giggle a bit at her childishness.

"Ruby, my future used to look like one obvious stream, unbending 'til the end of time. In an instant, you pulled me from that destiny, and opened my eye to an explosion of infinite possible futures, streaking across space and time, altered and obliterated by the smallest force of will,"

You stared at Sapphire, her words confusing you.

"What I mean is, you changed my life, and I changed your life, and now we're changing our lives,"

"(Y/n), anything you'd like to say?" Steven asked you, gesturing for you to come up. You slowly stood from your seat, smoothing any wrinkles that might have formed in your clothes.

"I didn't really prepare anything to say..." You admitted, your cheeks burning.

"Just say whatever comes to your mind!" Ruby encouraged.

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