Chapter 92

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You and Steven were inside the bathroom, brushing your teeth. Peridot and Pumpkin lay inside the tub, sleeping as water droplets fell onto them.

"I'm so tired," you spoke, almost choking on toothpaste in the process.

"Me too," Steven answered after spitting out the water he had in his mouth.

You two of you made your way to your respective rooms, giving each other a hug before bed. It was a habit the two of you had developed ever since all the kidnappings and missions. You always hugged each other before bed, and couldn't sleep without doing so.

You layed yourself down in bed, turning off the lamp and slowly closing your tired eyes.

"Steeeeeeeven!" you heard an all too familiar voice yell out.

You sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes and groaning in annoyance. You walked over to the door, Steven meeting you halfway.

"Ronaldo, it's the middle of the night," you pointed out, gesturing to the moon shimmering over the ocean waves.

"You have to come to the lighthouse! I found something... weird," Ronaldo informed, whispering the last part.

"You've found something weird everyday ever since my dad got you that telescope," Steven sighed, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"I know. I'm amazing. I found something on the moon!"

"Can't you call Nanefua?"

"Not a fourth time,"


You watched as Steven looked through the telescope, hugging your tired body. You wore one of Steven's sweaters and a pair of black shorts, ready to go straight back to sleep after this was over.

"This the moon base. It's always been there," Steven informed.

"You guys have a moon base?!" Ronaldo screamed, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you.

"I have so many questions! One, why didn't you tell me about your moon base? Two, take me to your moon base. Three, why does it look like a barn?"

"It doesn't look like a barn," you whispered to yourself, looking through the telescope yourself. You gasped, gesturing for Steven to look through. Steven had the same reaction, the both of you looking into each other's eyes in realization.



The two of you arrived at the Moon Base, Lion exhausted upon arrival. You hopped off, making sure to help Steven down.

Steven pulled you towards him, enclosing the both of you in a protective bubble to keep you safe.

"Why would Lapis come to the moon? I thought she wanted to get as far away from Earth as possible," Steven contemplated.

"Maybe she didn't really want that," you suggested.

You both arrived at the barn, Lapis nowhere to be found. You found all the meepmorps, but no Lapis.

"How about we check the base?" you said, Steven liking the idea.

Steven drops the bubble around you as you made your way inside. You could hear faint humming, and spotted Lapis kneeling in front of the projection orb.

"Lapis!" you both screamed, running up to her and embracing her in a tight hug.

"(Y/n)? Steven?" Lapis asked in confusion.

"I can't believe it!" you cheered.

"It's so good to see you again!" Steven added.

Lapis didn't seem amused by your presence, but you persisted.

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