Chapter. 45

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"Woo, Connie's first mission!" You and Steven cheered.
"Don't forget, it's also (y/n)'s first mission with proper sword fighting lessons." Pearl added in, placing her hand proudly on your head. You smiled, looking up at Pearl. Steven ran off of the warp and took out a phone.
"Connie's parents said to take lots of pictures of her first mission!" Steven yelled, taking way too many pictures.

"I'll go with with Steven and (y/n), you can go with Pearl." Connie announced. You all nodded and made your ways along the separate paths.
"So, (y/n), I have a questioned for you." Pearl slyly said, smirking down at you.
"What i-is it?" you nervously said in reply
"I heard some... Noises, coming from Garnet's room the other day. Care to explain?"
You nervously opened your mouth prepared to speak when you heard a monster's roar coming from the distance.
"What's that?" you whispered, drawing your custom sword, made specifically for you. Thanks, Garnet.
"I'm not sure. The best guess is it's that monster." Pearl replied. The two of you were back-to-back, looking around for any signs of, well, anything.

"What's that?" you whispered, looking at fresh tracks in the snow.
"Those tracks are close to those of a humanoid..." Pearl gasped, clicking on the cookie cat walkie-talkie that Steven gave her just in case.
"Steven, Connie. Is everything going okay?" Pearl questioned. There wasnt a answer.
"Steven! Answer!" you yelled, your voice shaky, fearing the worst.
"I'm going to keep talking until somebody answers." Pearl stated  in a sing-song voice.
No answer.
"Shit," you mummbled, looking at the tracks.
"What do you suppose-"
"Pearl! We found the monster!" Connie suddenly yelled into the device. You and Pearl bolted to where they were, just in time too.
"Jasper," you squeaked, tracing your fingers over your neck where she held you. Jasper said some words but you were in a state of shock. You didn't hear what she had to say.
You watched as Jasper faded away into the snow.
"This is worse than I thought," you mummbled, shaking in fear.

Jasper!" you yelled as Jasper emerged from the ocean, riding one of the gem monsters. Jasper looked down at you, a devilish smirk on her face.
"Despite the fact that you're a human, we could use a warrior like you," Jasper stated, slowly making her way towards you.
"What do you say?" Jasper asked, extending her hand.
"We could make you better, a better warrior. We could make you a gem!" Jasper yelled, a evil smile plastered on her lips. You hated that smile.
"No," you replied, backing away, shaking your head. Jaspers smile quickly faded and she once again made her way towards you.
Amethyst ran in front of you, her weapon drawn.
"Step off..." Amethyst growled, her grip on her whip growing tighter. Jasper erupted into laughter and looked down at Amethyst.
"What are you going to do about it, runt?" Jasper spat.
The two began fighting and soon enough, Jasper poofed Amethyst.
"Get away from her!" you angrily yelled, hitting Jasper in the stomach. It surprised her and she dropped Amethyst's gem. You quickly picked up Amethyst and ran over to lion.
"Stevonnie?" you questioned once you regained composure. They were fighting Jasper. You smiled to yourself and held onto Amethyst's gem tighter.
"I'm gonna go help," you whispered to Amethyst, gently placing her on the sand. However, the battle was over and Jasper retreated back into the ocean. Steven and Connie unfused and celebrated their victory.
"Steven! Connie! (y/n)! I'm ba-" Amethyst stopped mid-sentence when she saw that the battle was over.
"Oh..." Amethyst mummbled, looking down at the ground.

"Jasper what?!" Pearl exclaimed, hugging the three of you tightly.
"Yeah, Jasper came out of the ocean! A-And Steven and Connie fused and fought her!" you exclaimed, shaking in excitement and fear.
"Are you okay, love?" Garnet questioned, hugging you tightly.
"I'm fine," you lied, you were bleeding but it wasn't visible because of the baggy black shirt you were wearing. Jasper had somehow cut you in multiple places and bruised you as well.
"Amethyst, you reformed," Pearl gasped.
"Its not a big deal, P." Amethyst said in reply, looking away from her.
"Amethyst, come train with me." Steven offered, a bright smile on his face.

"(y/n)." you heard Garnet call. You walked down the steps and looked at Garnet who seemed to be hiding something behind her back.
"You called?" you questioned, looking up at Garnet.
"I'm worried that when I go on missions and leave you here, something might happen. So, I want you to have this." Garnet told you, handing you a warp whistle on a chain so that you could place it around your neck.
"Thank you, Garnet." you softly replied, a smile on your face. You turned around and Garnet placed around your neck.
"When you blow the whistle it activates the warp and let's me know you need me."

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