Chapter. 29

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"Garnet?" you questioned. "Garnet? jealous? Steven, have you been eating the spoiled cookie cats again?" you  questioned.
"What? Maybe. But, that's besides the point. The point is Garnet is jealous because Pearl has been really nice with you lately," Steven explained.
"But, Pearl has always been nice to me?" You questioned in reply.
"Not the same way she's been for the past few weeks," Steven added.
"I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for whatever this is," You told Steven. It was at the point you were standing near him he noticed your height differences.
"How are you so tall?" Steven asked.
"I honestly don't know," You replied.
"It's not fair. It's cause you're human," Steven huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you'll get there, Steven. Some people just take extra time," you said, trying to cheer him up.
"Anyways, our height differences are only by a few inches." you reassured Steven.
"I guess. . ." Steven mumbled.
"I uh, I gotta go to the bathroom!" Steven quickly yelled, running out of the room.
"We're suppose to stay-" he was gone before you could finish your sentence. "Wait, the barn doesn't even have a restroom!"

"S-Steven?!" you exclaimed, backing into the wall.
"What's the matter?" Steven innocently asked you.
"How did you m-manage to grow so quickly?!" you yelled. You were star-struck. How was he able to grow at such a fast rate?
"Wanna know?" Steven asked You. You nodded your head in reply.
"I shape shifted myself to be taller!" Steven yelled, doing jazz hands. The reaction he got from you wasn't what he expected.
"Are you stupid?" you asked.
"What? No, it's just... I haven't grown since I was like 12, (y/n). Yet, all this time you've been getting taller and taller!" Steven yelled, growing frustrated with your reaction.
"What if you hurt yoursel-"
"Steven! (y/n)! You can come out now!" Pearl yelled in a sing-song voice. You sighed and looked at Steven.
"Are you sure this is what you want, Steven?"
He nodded in confirmation. You sighed, turning on your heel. The both of you slowly opened the barn doors, ready to reveal yourselves.

"Happy Birthday!" everyone exclaimed, then gasped at Steven's sudden height.
"Steven?!" Greg exclaimed, looking at his new son.
"Hey, dad." Steven happily replied, beads of sweat falling down his face.
Everyone had their attention on Steven. Asking him questions, and admiring his new height. Everyone left you. Alone.

"Are you alright, (y/n)?" Peridot asked from behind you.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be...?" you replied, not bringing up your head.
"Keep your head up. That's an order," Peridot said, tilting your head up with her small hand.
"Yes, ma'am." you replied, a small giggle coming after.
"Hey, Peri. I thought you were working on the drill?"
"Oh, I stopped for a bit. I'm taking a break just like Steven said. He said it's good to keep not only your physical, but mental health in tact. That's exactly what I'm doing," Peridot explained.
"Good job, Peri. Glad to see you're taking Steven's advice." you replied with a big smile.
"Now, why are you alone? Isn't today your day of creation?" Peridot asked you.
"Oh, yeah... everyone seems more interested in Steven. So, I'm backing off a bit." you explained.
"That's stupid..." Peridot mumbled. You looked at her and she shrugged.
"It's just as much your day as it is his. I doubt Steven would want you feeling lonely. As a matter of fact, none of them would." Peridot said.
"Anyways," Peridot breathed out, stretching her back.
"I'm gonna go work on the drill." Peridot said, walking away.

You smiled and walked outside. Everyone quickly ran towards you.
"(y/n)?! Where have you been?!" Amethyst yelled.
"I've been looking everywhere for you!" Pearl yelled, hugging you tightly. You saw Garnet in the distance. She was giving a stern look. Steven was right. Garnet is jealous! When Pearl finally let you go you walked over to Garnet. You gave her a gigantic hug which took her by surprise. You guessed that wasn't the path she predicted.
"I love you so much, Garnet." you whispered, holding onto her tighter.
"I love you too," she smiled.
"Garnet?" you questioned.

"Will you be mine?"

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