Chapter. 24

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"The cluster?!" you and Steven yelled in unison.
"Wait, the gems! They need to hear this too!" Steven exclaimed, trying to run out of the room.
"No!" Peridot yelled, loud enough to be heard at Fun Land.
"Why not?" you asked Peri.
"Because, the fusion, the Pearl, and the Amethyst haven't earned my trust like the two of you have. Also, I was present when the two of you were... expelling certain liquids and substances from your body..." Peridot explained, her face growing a darker shade of green when she mentioned you and Steven doing your 'business'. Your faces also changed color, and you hid your face in the hood of your jacket.
"Oh..." Steven replied, clearing his throat.
"Peridot, even if you don't trust them... you have to tell them! Steven and I can't defeat this 'cluster' on our own!" you slightly yelled.
"She's right, Peridot." Steven said in reply.
"No! No, no, no, no no!" Peridot yelled, throwing a small tantrum.
"Peri," you started, a small smile on your face. Peridot shook her head indicating 'no'.
"Peri." you once again said in a more stern voice. Once again, a no.
"Peridot, you have to tell them!" you yelled.
"Ugh, fine. Only because they rescued us at the kindergarten," Peridot mumbled.
"Finally!" Steven yelled in relief.
"I'll go get Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl." you stated, walking out. The two nodded in your direction as you left.

"Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl! I need you, it's urgent!" you yelled at the door of the temple. In what seemed like an instant Garnet and Pearl came out of the temple with about a 3 second delay between the two. Amethyst, however, she hasn't come out yet.
"Amethyst, we made pancakes!" you yelled. In a millisecond she was standing in front of you.
"Where?!" Amethyst yelled in excitement.
"Actually, there isn't any. But, Peridot has something that you guys really need to hear!" you explained. Amethyst wasn't moving.
"If you listen to her, I'll make pancakes?" you offered.
"Bacon pancakes."

Peridot began explaining to the group exactly what the situation was. The cluster is a gigantic mass of shattered gems; forced to fuse with one another.
"That's terrible..." you mumbled in a whisper, placing your hand over your mouth. It was loud enough for the person standing next you, Garnet, to hear.
"It's disgusting." Garnet said in reply to your comment. Her fists slowly clenching. 
"Is that all, Peridot?" Pearl questioned, her attention undivided.
"Yes," was all Peridot said.
"Well," Pearl started "we're going to have to build a drill."
"A drill?" everyone questioned.
"A drill." Pearl confirmed.
"Let's build a drill, and drill to the center of the Earth. Then, we can destroy the cluster once and for all! That way us fighting a thousand year war won't all go to sh-"
"Language, there's children present!" Garnet scolded before Pearl was able to finish her sentence.
"Erm, right. s-sorry."
"It's settled then," Steven started, clasping his hands together.
"Let's get to work!" you finished.

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