Chapter 94

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"Let me get this straight. Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal Gems, Steven's mom, was actually Pink Diamond?!" Amethyst let out, trying to comprehend what she'd just found out.

"She faked her own shattering and reformed to be Rose all the time," Steven told her.

"Pink Diamond's final command to me was that nobody could know. But now that Steven knows I can tell you everything!"

You suddenly remembered what the crying Pearl inside the pearls had told you about the two babies.

"Pearl, while we were in there one of the other Pearls told us that Rose had two babies..." you hesitantly spoke.

Pearl's eyes widened, wider than you've ever seen them.

"I-I-I- I don't know what to say... Garnet, help me out here," Pearl begged, but Garnet was too busy grumbling things to herself.

"I don't know how to say it but, (Y/n), it's you. You're the other child," Pearl told you, placing her hand on your shoulder.

You gasped, tears slowly falling from your eyes. "I don't understand. How can it be me? I don't even have a gem!"

"I don't know how it worked out exactly, but I know that Steven inherited the gem and you somehow didn't. However, you did inherit some of the power Steven and Rose possess, which is why I was so hesitant to begin your training. We've just had to keep it from you all this time, and I'm so sorry," Pearl explained as best she could.

You couldn't believe it, Rose Quartz, Pink Diamond, she's your mother.

"S-So, that means..." Steven whiserped.

"We're siblings!" you both shouted in complete shock.

You couldn't handle it, all this information at once was tearing you apart. All this time, was anyone really who they say they are?

What about Greg? Did he even know?

A bright light shone from the other side of the room, Garnet had split apart.

"She lied to us! She lied about everything! She held our hands, looked at us right in the eyes, and told us to never question who we are as Garnet. We never questioned ourselves, or her!" Sapphire yelled.

"We couldn't have known!" Ruby tried to reason with her.

"No, you couldn't have known. You never know what's going on. That's what I'm here for,"


"But I never looked into her, I trusted her... I let her make fools of us all!" Sapphire shouted, running towards the warp pad.

"Sapphire wait!" Ruby yelled after her. "Please, we can just stay calm and talk about this, right? Lets just, talk," Ruby begged.

"Talk about what? How our relationship is based on a lie? What else is there to say?"

In an instant Sapphire was gone, leaving a devastated Ruby in her place.

"(Y/n), Pearl, come help me explain to Sapp-"

"I can't," you interrupted Steven.

"What? Why?" Steven asked, walking towards you.

"My entire existence is based off of a lie, everything I was raised to believe isn't relevant anymore. The people who raised me for so long aren't even my actual parents. They told me that they just so happened to miraculously meet Greg and Rose, but it turns out that your parents are my parents too!" you yelled, tears still flowing down your cheeks.

"If I had known Rose was my mother I would've tried to understand her better! If I had known Greg was my father I would've spent more time with him, and gotten to know him! If I had known you were my brother I would have known that I'm related to one of the most amazing people I've ever met, and I would've protected you instead of just mindlessly helping!"

Ruby quickly went to you, embracing you in a tight hug, but you didn't hug back. Steven stared at you, he was now crying.  Pearl stood behind him, one of her hands covering her mouth in shock.

"If she can lie about being my mother, she could have lied about being a good person. And if she lied to Garnet about being the perfect relationship, then maybe my relationship with her, with Ruby and Sapphire, is all a lie too."

Without another word you ran out of the temple, not turning back.

Steven's POV

I watched as (Y/n) ran out of the temple. They were so devastated when they found out, and I am too. I can't believe dad kept this from us, I can't believe this is actually happening!

"Pearl, let's go get Sapphire, then once she's cooled down all of us can explain to (Y/n) the situation," I instructed, the both of us warping away to wherever Sapphire was hiding.


You sat on the edge of the boardwalk, watching the sun set over the horizon, the crashing waves soothing your nerves.

You could hear footsteps slowly approaching where you were sitting.

"Hey, dude, how ya' feelin'?" Amethyst questioned, taking a seat next to you.

"I don't know anymore," you replied, your voice hoarse from all your sobbing.

The sun was setting, the sky a deep purple. You could feel the crisp wind blowing against your skin, making you shiver slightly.

"Steven's coming to get you right now. Ruby left and we can't find her anywhere, it's like she just disappeared. Pearl and Sapphire are too busy crying so they're no help. We really need you right now," Amethyst explained, the entire situation coming into perspective.

"Amethyst, they lied to me, they kept this huge secret from me. Did you know?" you asked her, looking directly into her eyes.

"No, they never told me about any of that stuff," she replied.
"You shouldn't let this whole situation hold you back though. Yeah, they lied to you and I know it hurts, but you just found out that your family is still with you, and they love you. I doubt they wanted to do what they did, and you have to understand that." she told you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

You nodded in understanding, the both of you hugging each other tightly.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry you're feeling this way! I'm here if you need to ta-" you heard Steven suddenly yell as he dashed down the boardwalk.

You stopped him, laughing a bit at his exhausted form. "Amethyst handled it, I'm feeling better," you told him.

"A-Are you sure?" he was very skeptical.

"I'm fine. Amethyst helped me, she's officially the most mature Crystal Gem,"


After hours of searching and wondering where Ruby could have gone, you found out that she was on top of a hill talking to Greg. Which meant you not only had to face Ruby, but Greg as well.

As you walked towards them you made immediate eye contact with Greg. He walked over to you, embracing you in the tightest hug you've ever received in your life.

"I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn't know how,"

"I forgive you.... Dad,"

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