Chapter 6

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I was lying on the cold hard ground with my arm completely numb and part of my head throbbing. I had a piece of grass up my nostril and I'm pretty sure there was an ant crawling on my face.

I heard a small commotion and then pounding footsteps approaching.

"OMG Lucille are you okay?"

Eleanor was out of breath and I wonder why. Guess my perfect sister wasn't so perfect. Sex before marriage is forbidden in wolf culture. I wondered how long this has been going on.

She turned me over on my back. The Beta was stood behind her looking worried.

"What's going on out here?" boomed my father.

Eleanor gingerly touched my arm. Pain seared through me and I roared. Eleanor jumped back frightened.

"I think she's broke her arm" said Eleanor.

"And has a concussion" interrupted Beta.

I saw my father bend over and look at me. He touched my head and then looked at my arm.

He sighed.

"She needs medical help. Fetch the doctor"

Footsteps pounded away from me and my father's eyes darkened.

"What on earth was you doing?" he hissed.

Before I could answer darkness overcame me and I was out.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was the familiar green ceiling of my living room. I could see the cobwebs dancing in the breeze on the chandelier.

I tried to turn over but my head hurt.

"ow ow ow ow ow owww!" I mumbled.

I heard footsteps coming and then a small gasp followed by a strange voice.

"She's awake sir"

I heard my father's familiar footsteps and sensed him as he sat down next to me.

"Lucille can you turn your head please?"

I sighed but didn't do nothing. I felt incredibly sleeping and my body was too weak to do anything. He pressed his hands onto my head and turned it.

"Ow you're hurting me"

He let go but the damage was done. I was on my side and I was too weak to move back. I could feel some kind of restraint on my arm and the memory of Eleanor's diagnosis of a broken arm flooded back.

"Lucille I would like you to meet Alex: the Alpha's son.

I heard shoes stepped forward and someone clear his throat.

"Hi" said a smooth accented voice

My eyelids started to close.

"I already know the Alpha's son remember Year 6?"

My father gave a small feeble laugh. Guess after all these years he was still embarassed.

"Honey this is a different Alex. This is Alex Shadows, Leader of the Shadows-Luna pack.

I had heard of the pack. It was the most respected pack. Not the most powerful but even the scary packs respected them. They were like our wolf government.

"Honey?" questioned my father.

"Honey? I was homeless this morning and okay nice to meet you but I'm tired now"

My eyelids were fully closed and I was already half way sleeping.

"Lucille, Alex is your mate"

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now