Chapter 1

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The small girl stepped forward and offered me her hand.

"Hi I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess"

"Hi" I said smiling. "I'm Luc....."

I stopped dead. Jess's smile turned into a frown and she cocked her head confused.

The information Liam gave me went over in my head. If I had been taken from my rightful parents likelihood is I would have been given a new name.

I looked at Liam. He seemed to understand me straight away.

"Your real name is Louise"

"Louise" I said trying it out on my tongue like it was foreign language.

"Louise, Lulu, Lucy, Lucille"

Liam and Jess both stared at me strange looks among them.

"I was a toddler when I disappeared" I said. "They'd need to call me a similar name to my old one so I'd still respond to it" I said.

They both dropped the strange looks. I turned back to Jess.

"Okay well I'm Louise" I said bursting out into a fit of giggles. When Jess didn't laugh with me I stopped.

"She knows your name" said Liam.

"I know she does" I said laughing. "I'm just trying to finish the introduction"

"You don't need to introduce yourself"

I was about to ask why when Jess stepped forward and spoke.

"Because I'm your sister"

My jaw dropped and I was left stood there.

"How?" I asked. "I mean we don't look anything alike"

"I'm the adopted one" she said giggling.

I threw my arms around her and hugged her tight. I had a sister. Then my mind threw me back to Eleanor, the last moments of her life.

"You killed Eleanor" I said.

Jess took a few steps back confused. Liam rushed over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.


I launched forward, my fists flying anywhere I could get to. They finally made contact with a cheek sending Liam flying to the ground.

"Louise" he said between my punches. "She wasn't your sister"

I stopped the minute he called me Louise. It felt strange odd almost alien to be called that. I didn't like it. I didn't like my name. I didn't want anyone to call me that.

"My name is Lucille" I whispered.

Liam for up off the ground and touched his cheek. There was a huge ugly red mark there. It was obvious that it would bruise. I felt a twang of guilt go through me.

"Maybe you should see your parents tomorrow"

Parents. My parents. I knew they weren't really my parents but all I could imagine was that summer memory. My father young and handsome standing next to my mother smiling. Up until her death they were always very much in love. It was too strange. I couldn't imagine anyone else other than them being my parents.

I wanted to run home there and then to forget about all this. But the night was growing dark and I was still soaking wet with pool water.

"Come" said Liam grabbing my hand. "It's getting dark and you're freezing wet. I don't want you to get a cold"


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