Chapter 6

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Rachel stormed away crying. Ethan and Jess hurried along after her.

I just sat on the bed in silence allowing my thoughts to overload me. A question floated into my mind. Taking the plunge I decided to ask.

"Why did you only know about me two years ago?" I asked.

"Three now" he muttered.

"Okay three" I corrected myself.

He looked at me, seemingly trying to decide whether to tell me or not.

He began to launch into an explanation of his life starting from when I went missing. Apparently I was taken from my bedroom late at night. Rachel and Ethan didn't even realise until morning by then it was too late to track whoever took me. Afterwards his parents moved to a large town and as he grew up he forgot about me until his mother told him on her deathbed about me. He found my parents and went looking for me, eventually finding me at the wedding.

Stunned all I could do was sit on the bed and soak up all the information he had told me. He was so descriptive that it felt like a story and for a minute I could imagine growing up with him. Playing with him. Smiling and laughing with each other.

"Why did your mum never tell you about me?"

He sighed like it was some big family secret. I watched him chew his lip and intertwine his fingers. He was definitely nervous.

"Because you were supposed to be some kind of special surprise on my 18th" he said.

"What?" I asked surprised before bursting into giggles.

"We were to be married on my 18th"

My laughing stopped. The silence that hung over us reeked with awkwardness. I didn't even know how to feel. So whatever life I would have had I still would be forces into marrying someone.

"So an arranged marriage in whichever life I lived" I said laughing. "Not really much of a difference"

His eyes flared with anger and before I could even say something he stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut.

I buried my face in my hands. Idiot. Why did I always say the wrong things? Why must I always cause trouble?

I lied back on the bed and closed my eyes. Alex came to my thoughts and quietly I let the tears fall.

I knew that there were always rumors that when a wolf dies you could mind link their dead body. I knew it wouldn't do anything but I wanted to do it.

Cautiously I tried my mind link surprised to find it worked perfectly. I guess Liam didn't tell them about my werewolf blood.

"Alex I miss you so much. I wish that I could see you again" I said between sobs.


I darted up from the bed. The voice that spoke back was Alex. But he was dead it couldn't be. I knew that the mind can play cruel tricks on a grieving heart but this didn't seem like a trick.

"Alex are you there?" I gasped, desperate hope filling me up.

"Yes it's me"

I burst out in tears. He was alive. Alex was alive!

"Lucille where are you?"

"I'm so sorry"

"It's okay Lucille just tell me where you are"


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