Chapter 13

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Liam eyes went wide with shock and fear. In that moment I felt an almost instinct feeling to protect me like the way he had just saved my life. He had protected me from his people and now it was my turn to protect him from mine.

I leapt forward but was restrained by a hand as Liam was dragged away. I knew where he would be; at the town square. I whipped my head around. Ethan's arms were locked around mine. His eyes were clenched shut and he looked like he was resisting the urge to shout out.


He opened his eyes and pulled me away back towards the exit.

"How long have we got?"

"Until what?" I asked.

"The challenge"

"Nightfall" I said crestfallen.

He dipped his head and punched a tree in anger. I cringed as I saw his hand begin to bleed but he didn't seem to feel the pain.

"I shouldn't have come here. We shouldn't have come here. Bad idea it's all my fault"

I watched as he paced back and forth as he began to blame himself for everything that had happened.

"It's not your fault" I said. "You were just looking out for me"

For the first time since ever I met his eyes. They were dark almond shape. A bit sunk into the skull. Exactly like mine. I dropped my gaze quickly as a giddy feeling washed over me. I pushed it away but I could feel it clinging onto me.

"Can we break him out?"

"I'll see"

I walked into the pack to see it covered by bodies. Human and wolf. I held back vomit as I walked across the battlefield. I made my way towards the prisoner tents just in front of the forest line on the south side. Two wolves stood guarding it in their wolf form. They bowed thier heads as I walked past. I guess they still saw me as the government Luna.

Inside Liam was sitting down in shock. His hands were over his head.

"Hey" I said.

He dropped the shock look and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Lucille"

I squirmed at my name. It wasn't even my name. It was the name I was forced upon.

"Me and Ethan we'll get you out of here" I said.

"It's okay, Rachel put me forward for this"

My eyes widened and hatred filled me. I do wanted to end this woman's stupid psychotic revenge path.

"Why?!" I demanded.

He shrugged his shoulders but I knew he was lying. He was picking at his fingers and wouldn't look at me. I decided not to press further.

"I'm sorry" he blurted. "I'm sorry for kidnapping you and taking you away from your wedding. If I hadn't of done that you would be a happily married woman or wolf with a family and a life"

I sighed. I tried to think of a reassuring answer but couldn't find one. I started to speak and all of a sudden I couldn't stop.

"You're right but it wouldn't have been an honest life. My parents aren't my parents. My sister isn't my sister and my mate isn't my mate. Plus I'm a walking memorial for their dead daughter. It's not a life I nor anyone else would want to live"

He gave a small no meaning smile.

"Yeah I guess"

I walked out of the tent. I had an idea. Not a particularly good one but I wasn't going to let anyone die.

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now