Chapter 12

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I sneered. "You've done enough"

Rachel and Ethan walked up to Liam and stood at his side each with a machine gun in their hands.

"Liam has done enough" said Rachel. "He stood up to wolves and brought back my daughter"

I was stressed. I was upset. I was angry. And I couldn't help myself.

"I'm not your daughter. I didn't live that life but I'm not one of them either"

Rachel and Ethan exchanged questionable looks. Her grip on the gun tightened.

"We understand you're angry and confused so we'll give you some time and then we'll.....

"Do nothing" said Liam.

Mine, Rachel's and Ethan eyes locked onto him in shock.

"She's a grown up now" he said staring at Rachel. "You can't force her into this" He turned to me, his eyes full of empathy. "She needs to make the choice for herself"

Rachel and Ethan didn't say nothing but I could sense the anger in the air.

"What are you even doing here?"

On cue the people in the background cocked thier guns and turned off the safety like they were getting ready to go to war.

"19 years ago my daughter was taken from me by a bunch of murderous wolves. Today we finally take revenge"

Panic coursed through me. I feared not only for mine and my father's life but for the lives of the pack. My thoughts drifted to the children. Innocent and young. I took a few steps back and stood in the middle off the entrance/exit blocking their way.

"No I won't let you"

Rachel laughed. A deep cruel heartless laugh.

"Like you can stop all of us"

"Rachel stop" hissed Ethan. "That's our daughter"

Rachel ignored him.


I nodded my head, tears in my eyes.

"What about the innocent children in there who are about to have their parents taken from them"

"We'll slaughter them all if we have too!" This prompted whoops and claps from the rest of the crowd all except Liam and Ethan who were staring at Rachel in shock.

"You said we were just going to kill the people who took her" Liam said.

"They're all responsible" she screamed.

Growls came from behind me which was the last straw. Suddenly the crowd ran past me bursting into camp and attacking every wolf in sight. Childish screams and fierce growls rang out. Instinct kicked in and I followed the angry crowd into the pack just in time to see a huge man with a gun standing over a teenage wolf. I leapt forward and tackled the man to the ground allowing the gun to fly out of his hands. I turned to teenager, a thin blonde haired girl.

"Get all the kids you can find and run into the woods"

She nodded and took off leaving me with the knocked out guy. I picked myself up only to be slammed into by a human female.

"You're dead. Noone touches my pooh bear"

I would've thrown up out of pure disgust at the soppy romance where it not for the fact she began punching, scratching and kicking at me. My fist made impact with her face just as her foot swung around crashing into my head. I fell down numb as she continued to attack me.

I watched as she pulled out a knife and aimed it at my throat.

Just as the knife was about to cut me, she froze up. Her hand let go off the knife allowing it to drop beside me as a small red hole appeared in her chest seeping blood. She collapsed beside me dead.

Liam rushed up to me, dropping his gun to his side.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked breathless.

Before I could answer he was grabbed and thrown off me by a wolf who then proceeded to pin him down. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I heard Alex's roar pierce through the pack rendering everyone silent.

I glanced up to see Alex. A huge scratch across his face. Next to him was a bloodied angry Rachel restrained by two betas. He stepped forward and cleared his voice.

"I have been challenged" he roared. He turned to Liam and pointed at him. "And he is my opponent"

I clenched my eyes shut. This couldn't be happening.

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now