Chapter 26

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I whipped around to find Lacey standing in the doorway hands on her hips. Cassie was behind her looking shocked and a little pale. My guess was that she had tried to stop Lacey but to no avail. It was at times like these that Lacey reminded me of my sister. Nice most of the time but scary fierce when she was mad.   

"My father threatened you!"

I turned to face Alex. He was full of fury. His eyes were going from blue to golden. He was on the verge of turning. I ran out of the door, snatching my luggage from Cassie on the way. I didn't stop when I heard Alex come after me, I just headed straight for the front door. I threw it open to be greeted by rain, thunder and lightning. Something grabbed my suitcase and dragged me back with tremendous force then I was face to face with Alex, his eyes now back to blue. 

"You feel it"

It took me a few seconds to realise that he was talking about the bond. 

"I feel it" I said.

He smiled and dipped his head down. I knew the bond exaggerated our feelings and emotions but I loved it when he did that. It made him seem like a normal wolf.  

"And you're leaving"

It pained me when he said it. I was beginning to feel a pull to Alex and my aspirations to go to New York were becoming less frequent. The strength of the pull scared me to bits but it wasn't why I was leaving.

"I'm sorry" I said. 

I grabbed my suitcase and began to walk out the door when lightning struck just centimetres away from where I stood. I froze shocked. I took a few steps to the side and began to walk away when lightning struck again. This time it turned into a frenzy. Lightning started to strike dangerously close to me, creating a circle of lightning. 

Panic was coarsing through my veins.

"Lucille!" someone shouted. 

I ignored them and watched it. There was no way this was a random freak of nature. It was too precise. Some people would believe this was a sign from the Luna Goddess. The idea of this both intrigued and terrified me. If this was the work of the Luna Goddess then I had seriously pissed her off.


Alex rushed up to me so we were facing each other again. His hair was soaking wet and it took me a minute to realise that so was I. I was soaked to the bone.  My clothes were stuck to me and wet hair plastered my face. 

"Come on lets get you inside"

He grabbed my luggage with one hand and my arm with another. We walked inside the house and into his office. He dumped my soaking wet luggage in the corner while I sat on the sofa. A minute later there was a towel around me. 

"Lucille are you okay?"

"Did the Luna Goddess do that?"

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now