Chapter 3

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The rest of the drive, which really wasn't long, ensued in silence after that. I wanted to ask so many more questions but I had a feeling this wasn't the time or the place for them. Not yet anyway.

Eventually we pulled up outside a pretty house. It was medium sized with a beautiful front garden filled with primroses, daffodils, dandelions and roses. As we for our of the car the scent of the flowers hit me. It was sweet and refreshing. It conjured up images of those scenes in films where innocent children run through a field of flowers.

We walked up to the door. Liam knocked.

Jess opened the door greeting me with a smile and Liam with a hug. I looked at them both. Where they a couple? Liam stepped back, signalling me to go in first. I stepped inside to be hit by the smell of something cooking. I wiped my feet and was guided info the living room by Jess. There a woman, mid 30's was laying the table.

Completely ignoring me she came and hugged Liam making some gushing remark over how big he had grown.

"Why didn't you tell me you were bringing a friend?" She squealed.

Never in my life had I heard a middle aged woman squeal. To me it sounded childish and unprofessional. I held my tongue as the woman embraced me. Now I could see her I realised how beautiful she was.

She had short wavy blonde hair, obviously dyed as I could see her roots coming in. She had bottle blue eyes and a small nose. She was wearing black jeans and a T-shirt with a flowery apron on top. The apron was covered in what looked like chocolate. Was this my mother?

She kissed my cheek before hurrying into the kitchen.

"Darling we have another guest. Set the table."

A man, around the same age, as the woman came out and began setting a new place at the six seater dining table. He had brown hair, which had started to go grey. He saw me and flashed a smile. I gave him a small one back.

"Ahh Liam good to see you again"

He hugged Jess and turned to face me.

"Hi" he said. "I'm Ethan and that's my wife Rachel welcome to our home"

I nodded gratefully.

"My name is Lucille" I muttered.

"Welcome" he said a second time. "Come sit lunch is nearly ready"

I didn't want to have to sit next to my sister. Despite the fact she was it just didn't feel right considering I was still mourning the girl I thought was my sister. Instead I took my seat next to Liam who seemed uncomfortable at my presence.

Rachel appeared from the kitchen carrying a huge chocolate MnM cake while Ethan emerged with a tray full of drinks and cutlery.

"Lunch is served" said Rachel beaming.

This was going to be one awkward lunch.

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