Chapter 19

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"A compromise?"

He smiled.

"How about this? You stay here a week. After the week if you still want to leave, I'll let you go no tricks. But you and I both know that if you try to leave by force then my father will order the others to track you down. Through this way my father cannot do anything"

"That's all?"

He flashed me a smile and nodded.

"Okay" I agreed.

His face lit up like he was a kid in a candy store.

"Can you agree to something else?" he asked, looking at me warily.


"Instead of avoiding each other can we at least become friends?"

"Yeah whatever" I replied, laughing.

Minutes flew by in silence but it was no longer awkward. We both just stared at the window.

Suddenly the radio came on and brought me back to reality.

"Timer" Alex said when he saw my look of be-wilderness.

Then the awesome song Hey Soul Sister by Train came flooding through the radio.

"You like music?" asked Alex.

"Who doesn't?" I replied.

He jumped off the sofa and offered his had out to dance. I sat there reluctant to take it.

"Come on it's just a dance, it doesn't mean anything"

But it did. He had told me about his fantasies of dancing around the room with his mate. Even if it didn't mean much to me it would mean too much to him. I relaxed my mind. It was a challenge. All I had to do was get through the week. Just a week.

I plastered on a smile and took his hand. He pulled me all around the room in circles. I couldn't help but laugh. What we were doing reminded me of the way country people dance. He pulled me into the middle of the room and started doing the link arm thing like the cowboys do. It was like he had just read my mind! He grabbed my wrists and twirled me around like a ballerina. Then he pulled me close to him and we turned together very slowly. It was only when we were this close did I realise that we were both the same height.

He smiled at me. It was one of those smiles where you couldn't help it. His eyes met mine and refused to leave. He began to lean in. Adrenaline kicked in and I threw myself out of his grip and began to spin my way around the room to cover my avoidance up. I hit the side of something and collapsed onto the floor, my head spinning like the cartoons.

I felt something strong grab me and lift me off the ground. My vision was still blurry but I managed to recognise the warm pillows as he set me down on the window sofa.

"A little too much dancing for you"

"I feel fine"

Chimes of a grandfather clock rung out. I was mildly surprised. I have never heard or seen a grandfather clock in my life. Together we counted the chimes. There was 12 of them.

"I should be getting to bed"

"Yeah same here" I replied.

He nodded and simply just left the room.

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now