Chapter 37

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The worst thing about marrying a Government leader is that your own wedding must be conservative and formal. For example you can't dance down the aisle to Pharrell's 'Happy'. Instead you must have that stupid 'here comes the bride' song and your first dance can't be to the song 'like a G8'. All the songs must be formal and sophisticated. Then again there were ways around it and I had find just one of those. 

I was standing in front of some huge oak doors, inside were Alex and the rest of the pack along with alphas from other packs. I could hear the murmur and bustle from outside the door. Excitement was beginning to course through me along with fear and dread. 

"Not getting cold feet now are we?" teased Cassie. 

The answer was yes but I just smiled and shook my head. Once they had finished fixing my train Lacey sent a text to someone probably the vicar to tell him that we are ready. 

The huge oak doors opened and like a robot I began to walk down the aisle to that stupid song. I heard gushes and gasps with comments like 'isn't she beautiful' and 'prettiest Luna so far'. I blanked out the comments and looked at Alex. He looked handsome in his tuxedo and his blonde curls made me envious. We locked eyes and his shy smile turned into a dashingly handsome grin made even more enchanting by his pearly white teeth. He looked like a Disney prince. He was a disney prince! A real life one. Giddiness began to fill me as I realised that he was my disney prince. For the first time ever he wasn't cute or shy or sweet he was actually sexy. He was my sexy disney prince who would make all my dreams come true, no doubt about it. 

Then I was standing in front of him. He was gazing at me with those fantasy blue eyes that could pull any woman in. 

"You look stunning" he whispered. 

My shy smile spread into a grin and I couldn't even work up the courage to thank him back or even look him in the eye. 

"Let's begin" said the vicar. 

My mind began to drift away from the vicar and focus on Alex. I shifted my eyes to the far corner in an attempt to get a glimpse of him while keeping my head down to not make it too obvious. After the third time I found that he was looking at me. I dropped my eyes quickly and for a second my smile disappeared. It only came back when I heard him stifle a giggle. 

When it was time for the vows, I began to tune in. I turned around and faced Alex while he done the same. Gently he took my hand in his and began to recite the traditional wolf vows which was very different from human vows. Afterwards it was my turn. Lunas and She-Wolves have different vows compared to men so mine was incredibly shorter. Despite that I managed to slip up and stutter on every line which acquired some smiles from the witnesses and a dazzling grin from Alex. 

"Alex do you take Lucille to be your lawfully wedded Luna, never to be parted even by death?"

Without even the slightest hesitation he spoke clear and confident "I do"

"And Lucille do you take Alex to be your lawfully wedded Alpha, never to be parted even by death?"

Hesitation hit me. "I....."

Then the gunshots rang out.........

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