Chapter 38

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Before I could even comprehend the gunshots I was on the floor with Alex on top of me. Gunshots rung out everywhere but with the ringing in my ears I couldn't tell where they were coming from, only that they were close. 

"Stay down and stay quiet" whispered Alex before he ran off. 

Panicked, I bunched up my wedding dress and crawled under the altar allowing the white sheet to fall over and hide me. I crouched down and lifted the white sheet up the tiniest bit, just enough for me to see. There was 6 gunmen. The guns were normal but with every shot a wolf went down and didn't come back up. I could tell most were still alive because I could see them breathing. 

A loud roar rang out. Eleanor had shifted into her wolf form and was attacking one of the gunmen. She pinned him to the ground but another gunman took a shot at her before being attacked by two of my pack. Eleanor didn't go down but lost her grip and the gunman got free. She began to stumble and sway like she was drugged. The gunman pulled out a knife and plunged it into her. I clamped my hand over my mouth and watched as my sister fell to the floor. Her chest began to turn grey and immediately she shifted back to her naked human form. I watched through my blurred teary vision as blood began to spurt out of her chest, the colour was quickly draining from her face. Then with a final gasp I watched her body sink down and then ceased moving. 

I let the sheet fall and slapped my second hand over my mouth. I could do nothing as the tears began to fall. Hot salty bitter tears flowed down my face. I could taste the saltiness and the mascara. My whole body began to shake, my chest began to ache and I began to take deep panicked breaths. I clamped my teeth over one of my hands and slowly lifted up the sheet again. Beta Matthews ripped the throat out of the gunman who had stabbed Eleanor only to be thanked by a bullet in the back from another gunman. It didn't put him down straight away. Using all his energy he crawled over to his mate, tears in his eyes. I watched, heartbroken, as he clutched her hand and kissed her on the cheek. He ran his hand over her head down her shoulders and resting on her belly. 

"You'll pay for this" he screamed his face redder than a ripe tomato.  "You killed my wife and my unborn child. I will kill you all!"

I dropped the sheet and curled up. Eleanor was pregnant! She didn't tell me. Why? The thoughts were filling my mind. I'm going to be auntie. No. Past tense, I was going to be an auntie. Not anymore. 

Suddenly strong arms grabbed me and lifted me out from under the altar. I tried to scream but a hand clamped over my mouth. 

"I've got her! I've got the bitch"

I opened my mouth and bit down as hard as I could drawing blood. The man let off a piercing scream and I screamed for help. My eyes darted around and I found Alex slumped unconscious on the floor with a bullet in his arm. The last thing I saw was a rifle butt coming towards me and then everything was black.

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now