Chapter 14

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I turned around to face my sister. She was standing in the doorway glaring at me. Her hands were on her hips, displaying her gold wedding ring. It pained me to know that I had missed her wedding.

"What's to stop me from going and raising the alarm right now?" she hissed, venom dripping in her voice.

"What's to stop me from telling father about your little rendezvous in the treehouse with Beta?" I replied.

She dropped her glare and began to chew her lip.

"Don't worry I'm just here for my stuff that's all" I said, making my way up the stairs towards my room.

"Father was going to send it down today" she said.

"I'm not going back there"

I opened the door to my room which was exactly in the state I left it. I went to my wardrobe and attempted to haul my silver suitcase out of my wardrobe. When I couldn't do it alone, Eleanor came and helped me. Together we managed to drag it out. I opened it and emptied the books and photographs inside it onto the bed.

I began to pack my clothes while my sister glanced at the pictures.

"This is when we went to Miami" she said, holding up a picture of two small girls in twin bathing suits.

"Our first holiday" I said, smiling at the memory.

She threw the photo down and began to help me pack. I still had a tiny bit of room left once I had managed to squeeze my belongings into it.

"I have some stuff up in the treehouse"

She nodded and we began to leave. In the last moment I grabbed the photos and placed them in a little pocket in the suitcase. Together we managed to haul the suitcase down the stairs and out into the garden.

"I am not even attempting to get that up the tree" I joked.

She laughed. "Neither am I"

We placed the suitcase behind the tree and climbed up into the treehouse. She threw herself down on the mattress and I sat next to her.

"I see your married" I said.

She gazed at her golden band.

"I wanted to invite you but father was adamant against it"

"It's okay"

"Where are you going, if you're not going back"

I turned to face Eleanor. How was it that we could be sisters yet completely different?

"Remember what Mother used to ask us about our future" I asked.

Eleanor smiled as she recalled the numerous memories in which Mother asked us that.

"I wanted to settle down with my mate and have pups"

I smiled as I looked at my sister who had was well on her way to achieving that goal in life. "And you wanted to go to New York city and build a life for yourself"

"Remember when....."

"When mother would ask you about your mate" she interrupted. "And you would always say that you didn't have a mate"

"Guess deep down I knew I would always reject my mate" I said, thinking about the sadness of it all.

I turned to face Eleanor who was smiling at the old memories.

"That's where I'm going. I'm going to New York" I said firmly.

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now