Chapter 42

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I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. It was like my whole body had gone numb. I felt myself shutting down. Liam wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry Lucille"

"I want to go home" I said tears filling my eyes.


I launched off the bed, knocking him over in surprise. I stood facing him.

"I want to go home now!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry.....

I took a deep breath and sprinted out the door as fast as I could.

I heard Liam mumble 'oh shit' and then his footsteps chase after me. I ran through many corridors, my heart pounding. My legs began to ache but I pushed forward desperate to get out. I took a turn which led to a staircase only to find guards waiting at the bottom for me. I skidded to a stop the turned and fled down another corridor. The guards joined the chase with Liam and now I had 9 people after me.

Tears began to fill my eyes as I realised I was getting very lost. I saw an open window and decided to take my chance. I leaped up, my finger safely catching the latch. I began to scamper up the window when a large beefy hand suddenly grabbed my foot. I screamed and lashed out with my foot making contact with his face. He stumbled back and I climbed up the window.

I lowered myself to the window ledge on the other side. Below me there was a pool and then a straight run into a forest. I couldn't see where the forest ended but it was now or never. Suddenly the window shook as Liam's fist began banging furiously on the window.

"Lucille! Lucille get down from there"

I turned away.

"Dammit" he said.

I watched him take off his jacket and gear himself up to climb the window.

Scared, I took a big breath and jumped. Everything seemed to fade. All my senses left me except for sight. The pool was coming up quick, I held my breath and splash!.

The freezing cold water surrounded me, filling my nose with water. The coldness shocked me to the very core allowing me to muster all my energy and swim to the top. I climbed out of the pool.

"Lucille stop"

There was a mighty splash showering me with more water. Knowing Liam was in the pool, I got up and ran towards the forest. My throat and legs were burning and I felt like I was going to pass out but I could see the treeline. Heavy footsteps pounded behind me and it gave me the determination to run faster and harder than I'd ever run before.

Then I was on the ground again. A body on top of me. I kicked and screamed and lashed out but the body wouldn't move.

"I got her. The bitch is pinned down"

Bitch? Who's he calling bitch? I struggled and wiggled and kicked harder than ever. But all the running had turned my legs to jelly and I succumbed to the ground.

"Get off her now!!!" screamed Liam.

His reaction both shocked me and the guy on top. He scrambled off me just as Liam came over and punched him in the face sending the guy to the ground.

I got up and then bent down to run again if I needed to. Liam saw it and stopped a few feet away.

"Lucille just listen to what I have to say because this will change your life"

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