Chapter 11

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I'm sure you thought my life was a fairytale, you know the one where the princess falls in love with the prince and they live happily ever after, I believed it to be.

But it was far from it, 

My name was Anne stele, I didn't emerge from a wealthy family, I just married into one.

Before then, I thought I had my life all figured out, I planned to go to college, get a good job or maybe own my coffee shop someday, but I guess the universe had other plans for me,

It all started when I met George Stone, anyone would have completely fallen for him, he was perfect, in every sense, he was charming, funny, handsome--

I fell for him the moment I set my eyes on him,

He always had his best friend with him, who was equally handsome, his name was David Hertz, they were always together, though David seemed sterner than George, he looked like the kind of man you wouldn't want to cross on a bad day.

George was the friendly and goofy type. They were a perfect mix.

I worked in a coffee shop at the time and they stopped by every morning to order the exact same coffee, Black chestnut with no sugar or cream, and I always made to take their orders.

It was like everyone knew.

One particular morning, I walked to their table to take their orders, like every other day, foreseeing the same routine, where they completely ignore me, I mesmerize over George, they get their coffee and I walk back to the counter feeling satisfied and fulfilled,

But I guess the universe finally heard my plea for his attention, "What's your name?" George cut in as I finished placing their orders.

"Huh?" I exclaimed and wondered if I was daydreaming again.

"Your name?" He asked again, a bit of humour in his tone.

"Anne." I managed to spurt out.

"Anne..." He repeated with a smile, there was something about the way he called out my name that made my body shiver in excitement, "That's a very beautiful name. "Do you make the coffee?"

I nodded and blushed like a love-struck teenager talking to her crush for the first time.

He chuckled and was about to say something else when David cut in--

"George, I'm sure she has other things to do."

I really don't, I wanted to yell.

He smiled apologetically and switched back to politics with David. David was like his ethical compass, he only listened to him.

I returned back to work and blushed all through, earning a lot of tips.

Later that evening, I was locking up the store and whistling to a song, when a voice startled me from behind,

"Anne, right?" A voice as George's called from behind.

I sighed

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