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I stepped into Matt's office with the elderly woman, it turned out her name was Glenda and she was the housekeeper,

It scared me how I knew that already.

Matt's eyes were glued to a book when we walked in, who knew he had other hobbies besides abducting people.

I rolled my eyes with a scoff,

"She asked to see you?" Glenda talked to him like I wasn't even standing in the room. Ugh, the woman worshiped the ground he walked on.

"Leave us." He ordered.

Glenda just nodded and left the room.

"Sit." He ordered,

I rolled my eyes and did as I was told,

"Take Glenda as your handmaid, she will provide you with anything you might need." Handmaid, what are we in the 70s?

"How about you left me out of here?" I shot back.

"We can make your stay here as brief as possible, it depends on you and the big guy." He took out some papers from a brown envelope and shifted it to me, "Do you your part and sign-"

I scoffed,

"You're full of shit!"

He chuckled shortly,

"I'm trying to make your stay here as brief as possible, but we can play it your way," he threatened me. David had mentioned that Matt would do anything for those papers which was why I made David a joint partner to my asset, that way it doesn't all depend on me, "We were going to get married and make this easy."

"You're disgusting." I spat.

"I'm your husband. I'm assuming you've heard the story." He smirked.

I shifted the papers back to him.

"I already signed all the properties to David, so this is a waste of time."

He clenched his jaw,

"Then I'm certain David won't mind trading them for your freedom, he treasures you after all."

"You think anyone would be stupid enough to trust you, we both know what you are really up to."

"Did he tell you the whole story? I bet they left out all the fun."

"He told me enough to know that you are a despicable person... And, I also know you killed my parents."

"I didn't kill your parents." He lied.

The pride smug on his face was driving me crazy. "Prove it."

"Would you believe me, if I did?"

"No, but it would be a yella good start."

He leaned back and his eyes scrutinized me for a while,

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