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Here I was standing in front of his hotel suite after threatening Bate to tell me where he was. Most of the hotel staff knew who I was, so I didn't have much trouble making it through security.

But standing there I suddenly felt all that courage leave my body, scared that he might reject me, or worse not want to see me.

I took a deep breath and raised my hand nervously to knock,

"It's open." I heard him whisper from inside,

I placed my hand on the door handle to push it open, but on second thought I couldn't do it, even after making it this far, I was too scared of rejection, I rather not.

I turned and tried to walk away when it suddenly opened.

"Alison?"  He cut through, stopping me.

I turned around to face him, he was standing right in front of me, in grey sweatpants, bare-chested and dripping wet like he had just ran out of the shower, "Uhm..." I tried hard not to stare at his chest but failed miserably.

My hands began to sweat uncontrollably as I walked toward him. I didn't know what to say, everything I rehearsed to tell him just disappeared.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I got a call from security."

I hummed in response.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked, noticing how tense I was in front of him.

I nodded,

"Water." I managed to say, more like whispering.

He smiled feebly, "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back." he said and left, 

I looked around, rubbing my hands together nervously. I found my way to an empty sofa beside his bed and sat down, I felt like a stranger.

David re-entered the room with a bottle of water, and a grey shirt on, which I was glad for, "Here." he handed the bottle to me.

"Thank you," I mumbled and took it from me,

I felt my whole body lite up as my finger greased against his, I missed him so much, I missed touching him, all those days of being apart had been a complete torture.

He sat across me, staring warmly. Why wasn't he saying anything? Why did he look even better like our separation wasn't affecting him at all?

"How have you been?" He dared to ask.

"How do you think I am?" I raised my voice at him, "You left me.... You hate that much?"

"Hey." He motioned quickly toward me, "I can never hate you." He said and tried to remove hair from my face. I forgot to comb before showing up in front of him, I looked messy. "I wouldn't even if I tried."

"I can't bear staying away from you." I told him and leaned my head against his chest, "So please don't make me, I would do anything you ask, just not that."

He was silent.

I raised my head to look at him, 



"Do you still love me?" I cut in. I wanted to hear him say it.

He nodded,

"It scares me sometimes how much I do, the thought of losing you drives me insane." he paused and stared at me, "I don't want you to ever doubt what you mean to me. You're my entire world, Ali."

I was silent for a while taking everything in, 

"Then why does it matter what college I go to, it's my life?"

"You don't get it, do you?" He pulled away to look at me, "Ali, I don't care what school you go to. You've always wanted to leave this town, what's changed?"

"You, that's what's changed. I fell in love with the most amazing man, why's that a problem?"

"I don't want to be the reason you stopped wanting to live, Ali."

"Do you know what I want more than anything in this world ?" I whispered to him.

"Tell me," he wiped the little drops of tears that were silently falling out.

"To spend whatever is left of my boring life with you, marry you." I smiled at the thought and he did too, "Have cute gorgeous babies with you. Wake up every beautiful morning wrapped in your arms. That's more than enough for me."

He leaned and graced my cheeks with his thumb,

"Baby that's very beautiful." His voice was soft and making everything clench deep inside. "But I don't want you limiting your life to just being with me, you're young and beautiful, there's so much more you can do on your own. I want you to focus on your future, discover other things that make you happy, and find every beautiful thing the world has installed for you."

"Why do we even have to break up? Why can't we do long distance?" How could I even attempt to hate him or be mad at him when he said things like that? I got up and straddle his lap, "People do it all the time." He took my hands and brought them to his lips without another word, "I'm guessing that's a no."

"I need you to have a mind of your own, Ali."

"I can very much think for myself," I said with a groan, "But for you to see that you need to trust me."

"I do trust you."

"But, not enough to want to be with me."

He soothed, and his lips were on mine, effectively silencing me. I welcomed the warmer, more intimate contact, kissing him voraciously.

I broke the contact to look at him, slowly accepting our new fate, this was it, "Will you wait for me?" I asked him.

"Always," he whispered. I nodded and then kissed him with so much agony. Tears slipped through the corners of my eyes as I kissed him because I knew it might be the last time I got this chance with him again.


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