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 I looked terrible today

My eyes had bags under them, my hair was just a mess, and my cheeks had marks on them. I had no sleep last night and I only couldn't find the urge to sleep at all like I usually do, only if I'm studying for a test.

Opening the cabinet to see my contacts, I grabbed them then sat them in front of me. I wasn't going all day being blind.

I stick the contact in both of my eyes, making sure it was on securely. Fuck, I hate wearing these things.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my skin looks a little paler than usual and you could tell I haven't slept at all.

I did my daily hygiene, then walked out of my bathroom and into my room. I grab my backpack and my phone than walk out of my room.

My mom was sipping on her coffee while looking at a furniture magazine when I walked into the kitchen. Violet was eating Cheerios while kicking her legs back and forth, singing to herself.

My mom looked up from her magazine. "You look horrible Blue! Did you get any sleep last night?" She places her hand on my forehead to check if I was under the weather.

"I was studying for a big test today mom." I lied not wanting to tell her about what happened and she nodded believing what I said.

Of course, she believes what I said.

I'm going to Starbucks to get some coffee so I can wake myself.

I left the kitchen without saying goodbye then went outside. I jump into my Jeep and turn on the radio. Crying In The Club was playing.

This is something Grace would listen to, but I kept it on because I like the melody of the song.

I pulled up at Starbucks with a little time to spare so I could get to my locker before the bell rings for the first period.

Starbucks was dead which was a surprise since it's always busy on this kind of morning.

A chirpy woman greeted me with a smile. "Welcome to Starbucks, what can we get for you?" I look up at the menu deciding what I want.

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