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"Get to running boys!" Coach yelled at us, blowing his whistle to make us run faster. I groan and continue to walk at a slow pace.

This is why I and coach don't get along with each other because I don't listen.

The sun was beaming on my forehead making it hotter then it already is. It's like 95 degrees outside. Usually, it would be cooler in the morning time and I have gym in the afternoon.

I should have taken freaking theater class when I had the chance. At least you don't have to do a lot of work.

I squat down to tie my shoes knowing someone one was going to do something stupid behind my back.

Then as I expect someone pushes me to the ground and mumble virgin.

About 20 seconds later Zack came up to them and push them to the ground while giving them a cold glare.

"Next time you do that I'll skin you alive!" He hisses at him and the boy scurries off in fear of Zack threat.

He walks back over to me than extending his hand out for me. I took it and he pulls me up from the ground.

"Thanks," I thank him while dusting myself off from the dirt on the ground. I'm glad this was only my gym clothes.

"You alright?" He asks me in concern.

I nodded as I gave him a genial smile so he would know that I'm alright. "You know you could punch the daylights out of someone from your size." He laughs and I snorted at his statement.

Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can fight. "Yeah, sure I could be 6 feet underground by the time they are finished with me."

"I wouldn't let them touch a single hair from your white head." He smiles and I smile also why looking down at the ground.

Something about Zack gives me the courage to tell him anything even though I don't even know him like that. Grace wasn't around to hear my problems.

I didn't say anything at his statement and we both were quiet while walking around the track instead of running. I look over to him and It looked like he was thinking real hard.

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