Disneyland - Superfamily

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(Peter's like 5? Idk how kids work so like maybe younger? Dk)

Tony's POV

"Mister Loki!" Peter squeals racing up to the tall man clad in all black.

He smiles instantly, a smile that only Peter gets to see.

"Hello, young child. What are you up to today?" Loki says, pulling him up into his arms.

"Disneyland! Mister Stark said he'd take me to Disneyland today!" he exclaims excitedly.

He had never been to Disneyland before. And I felt bad. I didn't want him missing out on the fun adventures of Disneyland. So I invited Nat, Steve, Bucky, and Peter to come to Disneyland for the day.

"Disneyland, really?!" Loki responds, pretending to be just as excited about it.

"Yeah! Mister Stark?!" he calls, letting Loki put him back on the ground so he can run over to me.

"Pete, we've been over this, you can just call me Tony. Or even Dad for all I care," I say, loving the kid's big grin.

"Can Mister Loki come to Disneyland with us?!" He asks, giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"Did you ask Mister Loki if he wanted to come?" I ask slowly. Should I allow Loki to come even though he used to be a villain?

Peter's face lights up and he races back over to where Loki is, almost tripping as he goes.

"Mister Loki? Do you wanna come to Disneyland with us?"

"If it's alright with Tony, I'd love to go," Loki says, suddenly putting me in an awful position.

"Yay! Mister Stark? Can Mister Loki come too?" He pleads.

I nod, "As long as he's on his best behavior, I don't see why not."

Peter immediately lights up in a big smile and grabs Loki's hand, leading the tall man off into the tower.

"Did you just invite Loki onto the trip?" Steve asks, wandering out from the kitchen with an unimpressed look.

"It's not my fault! You should've seen him! I swear he has like mind control or something! You just can't say no!"

But Peter is happier than we'd ever seen the kid.

He's up on top of Loki's shoulders, smiling and giggling and eating ice cream as we walk through the gates of Disneyland.

"Mister Captain America, Steve Rogers, sir! Lookie! It's you!" The little boy screams, pointing out an American flag.

"Yeah it is, kid!" Steve returns. I could see the little roll of his eyes when Peter tried to say his name.

Loki puts Peter back on his own two feet and he races over to Natasha.

"Nat! Nat! Nat! Nat! Nat!" He yells, grabbing her fingers. "I wanna go see Winnie the Pooh!"

"Okay, kid. Let's go see Winnie the Pooh!"

Me, Steve, and Loki decide to ride a few rollercoasters while Pete, Nat, and Bucky decide to go meet all the characters in the park including pictures and autographs from them all.

Finally, we meet up to eat some Funnel Cakes around noon, and Peter is absolutely lit up.

He opens up his book and starts rambling so fast, I can barely make out his words.

"We met all these characters! Like Winnie the Pooh and Buzz Lightyear and Tinkerbell and the Cat in the Hat and Mickey Mouse! They were all so nice! And we got autographs! And pictures!" He says, flipping through his autograph book excitedly. He suddenly looks very shy as he passes the pen over to me, sliding me the book on a blank page.

"Can I have Iron Man's signature?" He asks softly, blushing like crazy and averting his eyes.

I internally awe at how cute my kid is and give him a smile. "Course you can, kiddo."

The book and pen is passed around the table as we all sign our names on one of the pages.

Peter giggles excitedly and holds his book close to his chest, grinning like it's Christmas.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Mister Stark! I wanna go on the Peter Pan ride! Can we? Can we please?" He says, giggling his way through his sentences.

"Course we can, kiddo. First, you gotta finish your cake," I reply, ruffling his soft, long curls. He's going to need a haircut soon, hair almost falling into his eyes at this point.

He giggles again and nods, devouring the rest of his sugar before teetering over to me and tugging on my sleeve.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go," He squeals, eyes bright and excited as always.

"What do you say, kid? Manners?"

"Please. Pretty please can we go?"

I allow him to lead me across the park, waving goodbye to the others.

Pete's exhausted by the time the sun is setting. Big eyes drooping, yawning and rubbing his eyes with his sweater paws.

Bucky, probably the third strongest in our little group, maybe even fourth, opts to carry the kid, up on his shoulders like Loki had earlier.

Peter was banging on Bucky's metal arm earlier, but now he's just sleepy, curling his body in Bucky's hair.

"He's going to sleep so well tonight," Steve murmurs, looking up at my kid with adoration.

"Man, he deserved a good day. We all did," Nat says, grinning as well.

I reach up to run my fingers through my kids soft curls, replacing his askew Mickey ears, and give him a soft kiss on the temple, thankful for Bucky leaning down to my height so I can do it.

"Get some sleep, kiddo."

"G'dnight, dadda."


Sorry this is so short. I've got like 8 Oneshots in the making but I'm like super super sick so I've got no motivation to do this. Hopefully I'll be feeling a little better tomorrow or by Monday and can put out some better shit than this (I've been rewatching spn again lmao)

(Shameless self-promo. If you haven't yet, y'all should check out my Spiderson/Irondad fic called Alone. That would be cool)

Very Sick Lyss :(

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