Thunderstorms - Irondad

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Tony's POV

The thunder explodes like gunshots through the air, but I just roll my eyes, sighing. You'd think I'd have made the lab soundproof by now, especially with the bad storm tonight, but I'm worried Pete might need me and I won't be able to hear him or something. Obviously he can take care of himself in case of an intruder, but in the case of a nightmare I doubt it. 

Lightning cracks through the sky out the window and I sigh again, deciding to call it a night. I put enough effort into Pete's spidersuit. Plus, I promised May I'd be on a decent sleeping schedule for when Peter would be staying with me. 

I trudge up the stairs tiredly, heading for my bedroom. Thunder booms outside again and I stop short when I hear a sob from Peter's room. 

My heart pounds as I hesitate for a couple seconds outside his door. The sky is silent so I can hear Pete's heavy breathing. 

I finally bring up the courage and knock on the door. 

"Pete? You okay, kiddo?" I call out, hand hovering above the doorknob.

My questions are met with silence so I open the door slowly, artificial light bathing the room. 

The room looks big compared to Pete who looks small, like a child would. 

He's sitting against the wall farthest from the window, knees pulled up to his chest, hands over his ears. He's wearing a heavy navy blue hoodie that leaves his scrawny body drowning in it, it takes me a couple moments to subconsciously realize it's one of my old sweaters from Uni. 

"Pete? Kiddo? It's Tony. Are you okay?" I say, slowly inching towards the kid.

His head snaps up, fear and panic written in his face. His arms stay close to his ears, hands shaking as he clenches them into fists, tears flooding down his cheeks and his eyes dart around his dark bedroom. 

"Kid? It's just me. Just Tony. What's wrong?" I say, slowly kneeling down in front of him. 

Thunder crashes through the sky, shaking his bed posts. Peter's reaction is instantaneous. He dives for me, burying his head into my chest as he whimpers loudly, balling my shirt up in his fists. 

"Kiddo, it's okay. It's just thunder and lightning. We're okay in here," I say, running my fingers through his curls gently. 

"My.. My, um, my parents... I just... I can't.. I'm scared. I'm scared, Mister Stark," he stutters, tugging at the hem of my shirt as he tries to keep his breathing under control. 

"Your parents..." I trail off. His parents died in a plane crash because of the bad weather like this. This must be bringing back bad memories for him. 

He flinches as lighting pulls the room out of darkness for just a moment, a soft sob leaving his chest. 

"I've got you, kiddo. You're okay. You're safe. May is going to be just fine and so am I and so are you. We're safe inside this tower, I promise," I murmur.

He pulls away from me and looks up at me in uncertainty, eyes big and bloodshot with his never-ending tears. 

The loud boom of the thunder makes him whimper and cry harder, burying his face back into my shirt, cowering into me as he trembles. 

"Don't... I don't... Please... Please don't leave me," he cries desperately, clinging onto me as lightning flashes. 

"I'm not going anywhere, Underoos. I'm right here. You're safe," I repeat, running my fingers through his curls repeatedly. 

He lets out a shaky breath as he calms a little between the thunder, but I know when the next one hits, he'll be thrown back into the panic again. 

"I'm scared," he whispers. 

"I know, but you're okay. You know what? There is a sound proof section of the tower. I made it for Bruce for whenever he'd come around and need some peace and quiet. Sort of for me too, but we can spend the night there," I suggest, not entirely sure how I'm supposed to get him down to the room when he can barely sit up by himself he's shaking so much. 

He nods quickly into my shirt, shifting to wrap his arms around my stomach instead of awkwardly on my chest. Another whimper escapes him and his back trembles violently underneath my fingertips. 

"You're okay, Pete. C'mon. Let's go downstairs," I say, carefully shifting away from him ever so slightly so I can stand, bringing him with me. "Hey, Fri, can you put on sensory overload protocol?"

Blinds shut over all the windows in the vicinity and the room and hallway falls completely silent thanks to the protocol I had installed after one of the pretty scary situations Peter's put me in. 

Peter keeps his head against my shoulder, flinching and whining under his breath whenever there's thunder, keeping his arms around me tightly. I keep murmuring soft words to keep him calm as we continue our tedious journey through the halls and down the elevator, combing through his curls as well. 

And after what feels like forever of Peter staining my shirt with his tears and me being afraid of even taking a step too fast lest it totally send him over the edge, we make it to the Peace Room on the 93rd floor of the tower. 

Peter immediately goes for the couch, bringing me along with him. He curls himself into my chest once I'm sitting, practically sitting in my lap himself. He's seemed to have calmed down considerably now that we can't even hear the rain outside let alone the thunder. 

"I'm sorry-"

"You've got nothing to be sorry for, kiddo. Everybody's got their fears. Don't tell the others, but I'm afraid of the dark. If the power were to have gone out, we'd both be goners. It's no worries, kiddo, just please let me know next time. You don't have to suffer by yourself ever," I tell him, kissing his temple softly. "Get some sleep, Pete. If it's still storming tomorrow, we'll take a plane to Paris or something, I'm sure it's nice there. For now, you're safe here."

"Thank you," he murmurs in return, voice scratching from the crying. 

Just when I think he's fallen asleep, a soft smile crosses over his face. 

"What?" I ask, smiling as well. 

"You pretend to be this bigshot, cold-hearted guy, but you're such a softie deep down," the kid mumbles, looking at me before snuggling back into my chest like a little child would. 

I gasp, pretending to be offended. "I am not a softie!"

"You are.... You'd be a good dad."

The compliment warms my heart, but Peter's already fallen asleep before I'm able to make some sarcastic comment about it. 

"I already am a dad. And an old one at that with all the worry lines you've given me, kiddo."


Here's one about storms because today there's been so many tornado warnings for where I live and it's really scary and it was raining super hard earlier and there was even a miniature tornado only about half an hour from where I live which is super fun (Not really)

I don't think I've said it yet so thanks for 5k almost to 6k

Also like I was looking at the rankings for this which is also pretty cool so thanks for those 

im hoping to get 2 chapters done tomorrow for thsi so look forward to that if I've got the motivation lol


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