it's a dark and shiny place (but with you my dear i'm safe)

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your shadow follows me all day (making sure that i'm okay) – Part Two 

LexHadToFlex Rose_Bunni IwishIcouldleave

Endgame Canon Compliant. Won't make sense without reading Part One. 

Some Suicidal Ideation throughout chapter. Not graphic but just in case 


Tony may not be there, but Tony's always going to watch over the little family.

The night after the press conference, Peter finds himself sitting on the roof of his old apartment building.

The mask is clutched in his hands, but he's not even suited up. He's wearing one of Tony's old sweatshirts and a pair of Aunt May's old sweatpants.

He tried to put on the suit, but he broke down the moment he saw the red flashing back at him, reminding him of a planet and his chest tightening with fear as he clutched onto Tony's shoulders.

The streets are empty below him. Harley's asleep back home. Nobody knows he's here.

His eyes are trained to the dark streets below him, legs kicking in his peripheral vision.

A part of him knows if he leans too far forward, he'll slip off the edge and he didn't even bother putting on his webshooters before leaving.

A part of him is scared by that, wanting to crawl away from the edge.

A part of him is almost relieved by the possibility.

Instead of doing either of those, he calls Harley.

He's not so sure if the world needs him, but he knows Harley needs him.


The world knows about Spider-Man now.

That's about as far as Peter's brain has caught up to the events of the day before.

He held a press conference and told the world he was Spider-Man.

They deserved to feel safe, protected. Now that there's no Avengers to lead them.

No Natasha. No Tony. No Steve. Clint and Bruce are retired. Thor's off planet.

But they have Spider-Man. They always will.


Peter can't convince himself to pull out his suit after the press conference, despite knowing the world is waiting for his appearance.

He wants Tony to be proud of him, but every time he tries to open the cardboard box with his suit, something inside of him breaks thinking about what he's doing.

Eventually, Harley walks into his room.

He silently takes Peter's hand, leads him out of the room, and tucks him into blankets on the couch.

A Pixar movie plays in the background as Harley makes dinner and sets the plates out on the coffee table in front of them.

A few hours later, a wine bottle is cracked open and Peter curls into Harley's body as he cries.


Happy arrives to take him to school the next morning, claiming to be worried about press.

They all know he's worried about Peter.

Happy keeps an arm steady around Peter's shoulders as they head out to the car.

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