Homecoming - Peter/Ned

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{I've literally started over like at least twelve times and I'm still not happy with the results whoops}

To say that Ned was worried was an understatement. Peter had disappeared from the phone line somewhere around two or three hours ago. He was supposed to be the guy in the chair, but apparently, he managed to fail that too. He had no idea if Peter was even alive anymore. 

Obviously, he has faith in Peter's capabilities. Peter's a genius and unbelievably strategic and strong. But he's also selfless and he's still a kid. He's not some adult with armour. He only has his old suit, not the techy version he used to have. 

After the teacher caught him, and he told her he was just watching porn, he was sent home. It wasn't great to not have the computers in the library, but he'll still have his laptop and his parents are going out for the night, leaving him alone in their apartment. 

It's now nearing midnight, and Ned hasn't gotten anything from Peter. No phone call, barely anything on the news other than the plane crashing on Coney Island, not even a text to let him know his best friend was alright. 

Ned sighs loudly. He wasn't able to get through to Happy at all after the first time. Now, he just has to wait. Wait and wait and wait... 


He's somewhere past half-asleep at his desk when there's knocking at his window. 

Ned dives to his feet, prying open his drapes and blinds to reveal Peter swaying outside on his fire escape. He pulls open the window, letting Peter tumble through the entrance. 

"Ned?" Peter sounds wrecked. His breath is more wheezing than air and he sounds like he's on the verge of tears. 

"Peter! Holy shit! What the fuck happened? Are you okay?" Ned questions, too scared to even touch Peter. 

"Ned," Peter repeats desperately. It's somewhere caught between a whine and a sob. Ned's never heard Peter like that. Even in the seventh grade when Flash broke Peter's arm in gym class, Peter still sounded calm and put together. Now, he's obviously somewhere past broken. 

Ned finally stops to take in his boyfriend. 

Peter looks just as bad as he sounds. 

There's dried blood under his swollen nose, his lip his split and still bleeding down his chin. There's a bloody cut on his cheekbone and another on his forehead. His face is still sweaty and pale, making the blood stand out more against the sheet-white skin. He's in his stupid onesie costume, rips and tears and bloodstains ruining the material. 

Peter collapses against Ned's chest, bursting into tears as he tucks himself against Ned's chest. 

Ned quickly wraps his arms gently around his boyfriend body, shushing him to the best of his abilities. He's been with Peter during only two breakdowns before this one. The first was at Ben's funeral and the second was a Bad Day and Flash just made it worse until Peter broke. He's gotten a little better at taking care of Peter, but it doesn't make it any easier to see him so broken. 

"Ned," Peter cries, knees buckling as he pushes most of his weight against the older boy. Ned carefully maneuvers the both of them until they're sitting on his bed. Peter's verging on hysterical as he sobs into Ned's chest, body trembling. 

"Peter, I need you to tell me if you're hurt. We need to make sure you're okay. Should I call Tony?" Ned says, wincing when Peter shakes his head in desperation.

"Don't call him. Please. Please don't. Don't- Don't want him to know- Can't. Please," Peter blubbers. 

Ned has no idea what to do. He only had one hour of first aid training after school when he was twelve. This isn't just bandages and pain meds. This isn't just a trip or a stumble. This is a superhero sitting in his room, asking for him to help. And he has absolutely no idea what to do. 

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