Time With(out) You - Spideypool

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TW: major character death whoops sorry in advance


Wade Wilson's life was a hell on earth. Only, he wished it were really hell. He'd prefer hell over this.

Wade Wilson is immortal.

Wade Wilson is invincible.

Wade Wilson cannot die.

Wade Wilson is cursed to live forever on earth until he can find a way to kill himself that will stick.

Wade Wilson is cursed to lose every single person he falls for.

Wade Wilson has lost the love of his life over and over and over again without fail.

Sometimes it takes decades, sometimes it takes months. No matter what, Wade lives and has to lose the love of his life.

They're all a little different. All have slightly different attributes or traits or physical differences, but somehow, Wade always ends up finding the same man.

He's tried everything. He's tried to run. He's tried to disappear. He's tried to become so unlikable that he'll be abandoned, but they're all the same. They all care too much and are too kind to him, it never happens. He's always forgiven.

He's tried to run to the Sahara Desert before to try to escape the torment of falling in love and losing them, but even then, he was found by a beautiful man who was selfless and caring and brilliant. And it started over again.

Somehow, Wade could never stop himself. He'd be missing the ones he's lost so bad that he couldn't help but stick around with the new ones. And he couldn't help but love them too much to hurt them.

So he stays and he'd love them and he'd be loved and then he'd grieve when they inevitably died long before he ever would.

This one is his favourite. There's something different about Peter Parker that he can't help but hope to god that this is different. That falling in love with Peter will be different than all the others he's had to lose.

Peter smiles at him, a little nervously, and nudges his shoulder against Wade's.

"You okay? You're being quiet," Peter says.

They're walking back to Wade's apartment after Peter's University classes that day. They've been dating for six months and it's been incredible.

"Just thinking," Wade murmurs, wrapping his arm around Peter's shoulders and tugging him into his chest.

"Thought for a thought?" Peter says, humming in content as his body fits perfectly against Wade's side.

Wade sighs knowing he can't get out of this one but doesn't want to tell him about it yet.

"Are you happy?" Wade asks instead of all the other thoughts, racing through his head. After the centuries he's spent on earth, he's become insanely wise as a person. But the pain he's been through has dulled his intelligence thanks to the effect his life has made on his mental health. He knows he's crazy, but Peter's different and it helps dull the crazy and lets his real self shine through.

"I am. A lot," Peter admits, a blush creeping up his neck. "Are you?"

"It's messy," Wade says, gesturing to his head. "It's all messy up there, but it's like you're organizing it. It's still there, but it's all properly tucked away in storage with labels and it's all colour-coordinated the way you like it."

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