Voicemails - Irondad

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I don't know what this is. It's sort of all over the place I htink. I tried something new I guess.


(Sorry May's going to seem like a bitch in this. Whoops)

One New Message from Underoos

May 28th 2018


Hey, Mister Stark! It's Peter! Parker!
I wanted to let you know that patrol is going well so far.
I stopped 2 grand theft autos, 3 robberies, and 7 muggings. None of which were really armed other than a knife or two. 
I'm fine. Not a single drop of blood.
I think the police are actually starting to like me! 
There was one woman who was really scared after the attempted mugging so I walked her back to her house and gave her my number in case she needed it
I think she was feeling a bit better when I left. 
I sometimes wonder what would happen if I just disappeared, you know?
What would have happened to that one girl?
Anyways, just checking in so you don't get all worried.
Rhodey told me you fret way too much about me. 
I'll see you tomorrow?
It's Peter.

One New Message from Underoos

June 9th 2018


Hey, Mister Stark! It's Peter. Parker. 
Patrol was slow today.
I helped a forgetful old couple back to their house.
Stopped one mugging and one drug dealer. Nothing big. He was dealing pretty low drugs anyways, not like cocaine or something. 
Pretty much just hanging around on rooftops, talking to Karen and trying to study for a science test. 
I sometimes wonder what would happen if I fell.
I know I could catch myself... But what if I didn't? 
It's stupid. I swear. I don't even know if you listen to these.
I'm just tired. 
I'll see you this weekend? 
Full compound weekend because May's going to be out with her new boyfriend, right?
Looking forward to it. 
It's Peter.

One New Message from Underoos

June 23rd 2018


Mister Stark? It's Peter. Parker. 
I'm back at the apartment now...
Just can't sleep, so I figured I'd check in.
Patrol was fine. Normal. 
Only one injury. A stab wound in the shoulder. 
I patched it up when I got back and it's not serious. 
Karen said so. 
You don't need to worry.
May's boyfriend is spending another night. 
I don't really like him all too much. 
It sometimes feels like May cares more about him than she does me. 
It's stupid. It's just that it's always been May and me against the world.
Since Ben...
Now she's got her boyfriend and it's like I'm just a bother to her. 
She hasn't even tried to stop me from patrolling past curfew yet. 
It's late... 
I should be trying to sleep before school. 
Exams are coming up and I'm way over my head in stress. 
I think I'll skip the internship tomorrow. 
So I can study. 
I'll text Happy in case you don't hear this. 
See you this weekend. 
It's Peter. 

One New Message from Underoos

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