Amelia - Spiderson

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Tony's POV

"Thanks..." A girl's voice murmurs, looking up at the ceiling anxiously as she steps out of the elevator.

Peter looks up from his homework and stares, wide eyed, at the teenager who walks into the lab, shoulders squared.

She looks almost exactly like Peter with shoulder length curly brown hair, soft brown eyes, pale skin, freckles dotting her nose and cheekbones. The only difference is she looks more confident with a sort of anger behind her eyes that I've never seen on Peter.

His pencil clumsily tumbles from his fingers and his jaw drops.

"Holy shit," he mumbles, staggering up to shaky legs.

I stay uncharacteristically quiet, unsure what to do. This is obviously some big moment of some sorts.

"Yeah, Holy shit, Peter. You're an idiot, you know that. You just go and disappear for 12 years, no word. I have to find out you're still alive from the news. Peter Parker and his Stark Internship. I got a flight out here as soon as I could," the girl explains, biting back an obvious smile.

"Me? I went to live with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. You're the one who disappeared!" Peter exclaims, taking another slow step towards the mystery girl.

"I went to live with Natalie, our second cousin's ex-wife in Cali. I know, weird, but apparently only living 'relative' type bullshit and Aunt and Uncle only wanted one kid," the girl shrugs.

"Our?" I say, the word dropping from my mouth before I can stop myself. The two kids both ignore me as I stand in total confusion and watch the scene unravel.

"I can't believe it. Holy Shit. I kind of just assumed I'd never see you again after Mom and Dad died. For the first little while I always asked about you, but you know..."

"I get it, Petey. I'm not mad. It's not your fault. Just... I missed you," she mumbles, instantly losing all the fire behind her and looking small.

Peter doesn't stop himself from running at the girl and pulling her into his arms tightly. She's a few inches taller than he is.

After a few moments too long and I'm beginning to feel awkward, I cough loudly.

"Hey, Pete? You wanna introduce me?" I say.

Peter immediately blushes darkly, pulling away from the girl and smiling at me.

"Mister Stark, this is my sister, Amelia. Millie, this is Tony Stark," he says, gesturing between us.

I shake the girl's hand politely and ask what the big story is.

"When our parents died in that plane crash when we were little, we got split up. Peter ended up in Queens with Aunt May and Uncle Ben and I ended up with Natalie, our cousin, out in San Francisco. Don't know why that happened, but we kind of just never got to see each other again. I've been saving up for Uni, but I spent most of my savings on a ticket out here to see him after I saw the news with Peter Parker being Tony Stark's personal intern thing happening. Figured this would be the easiest way to find him," Amelia explains, all grinning and smiles.

"How soon do you have to leave? Peter's staying the whole weekend at the tower, you're welcome to stay as well," I suggest, already mentally planning which guest room I can give her.

"Actually, I didn't book a plane home," the small girl mumbles awkwardly. "I didn't plan very far ahead."

"No worries. Whenever you have to head back, I'll take you. I've got my own jet. Do you like pizza? I was ordering pizza for dinner," I say, feeling like I'm rambling, but knowing that to Peter and any family of Peter, my rambling is nothing.

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