Asexual - Irondad

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(Peter's like 15, but Tony's is his adoptive father and has been for the past like 7 years or something)

Peter's POV

I have a secret.

A big secret.

An awful secret.

One that I'm terrified of telling anyone.

One that I get bullied for and everyone hates me for except for Ned and MJ.

One that I'm finally going to tell my dad.

I'm Asexual.

Dad, I'm ace.

Dad, you know sex, right? Not something for me. Whoops.

Dad, I'm broken. I'm a broken kid. Get rid of me, send me to a place where they can fix me.

Dad, I will never give you grandchildren, not biologically. Sorry

Dad, you know gay people right? Well I'm not. I'm asexual and broken.

Dad, goodbye.

I hit my head on my desk a couple times, cutting my thoughts short. This shouldn't be as hard as it is, but I'm scared. I'm terrified. He's going to hate me and he's going to kick me out and I'll be all alone. Again.

"Still worried about tonight?" Ned questions, nudging me with his elbow.

"He's going to hate me. He's going to tell me to leave. He's going to kick me out," I say, wishing I didn't sound so childish.

"This is Tony Stark we're taking about, Peter. He's not going to hate you," Ned sighs, pretending to pay attention to the teacher when she sends him an angry look for talking.

"He will. Obviously there's something wrong with me if everybody else hates me for it. Do you think I'd be able to stay with you for a couple days if he does kick me out? While I... figure things out?"

"Of course, yeah, but Peter, I swear to god, he's not going to be upset."

The day finally ends, Flash beat me up at lunch, and I got a whole lot of homework from my classes.

But I'm practically shaking with nerves by the time I'm getting into the backseat of Happy's car.

Happy seems worried, surprisingly, when I don't really say anything the whole way there, nerves tying my stomach in knots and making me want to throw up.

And then we're back at the tower and it takes me a whole 2 minutes to just convince myself to get out of the car, focusing on keeping my breathing steady.

He's going to hate me.

He's going to kick me out.

He's going to leave me, make me leave.

I'm going to end up all by myself. Alone.

But I can't keep this secret, can't keep pretending that I'm this perfect straight boy.

Because I'm not. And I can't change that.

"Hey, kiddo. How was school? You wanna snack?" Dad greets when I get up to our floor of the tower.

He seems like he's in a better mood than he normally is, making me feel worse about everything. I'm going to hurt him, to crush him. He's going to find out that I'm broken. I'm a broken kid and he won't want me anymore.

I'm near tears by the time Dad turns around from the kitchen counter. He nearly drops his coffee when he sees me, instead putting it on the counter and taking a couple steps towards me.

"Are you okay? Did something happen at school?" he asks, a little lost with this whole parenting thing even though he's been my dad for years.

"I... I need to talk to you," I say, practically forcing the words out of me.

"Yeah, Yeah, Of course. Should I be sitting?"

"Um.." i can't seem to force the 2 simple words out of my mouth, feeling my stomach writhe in anxiety.

"Did you kill someone? With how you're acting, you look like you killed someone?" He says, with a shaky laugh.

"No... no.. I.. I'm, uh, I-" but the words won't escape, like the tears that will.

"C'mon, Pete. Spit it out. Are you okay?" He says, taking another half step towards me.

I flinch, the tears spilling over the edge.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You're going to hate me. You're going to kick me out. I'm broken, Dad. I'm broken and I've tried so hard to fix it, but I'm so far past broken," I sob, struggling to pull the breaths into my lungs.

"What? What do you mean? I would never hate you, Pete."

"I'm broken! You can't fix me. I tried. I'm sorry. Just please let me keep Karen. Let me keep the suit, please. I can't... i don't know."

"Kid. Why do you think you're broken?" He says, trying again to get me to spit it out.

Rip off the bandaid. Do it.

"I'm Ace. I'm asexual. I'm broken. I can't. You're going to hate me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen," I cry, burying my face in my arms.

Dad's arms suddenly wrap tightly around my waist, bringing me into his chest.

"You're not broken, Pete. Asexual is okay. That's okay. I don't care. You're my son, Petey. I'm not about to just kick you out because you don't want to have sex with people. That makes my job easier actually. No talk, no worries about buying you condoms, no worries about you getting someone pregnant. It's okay," he soothes.

"It is? It's okay?"

"Yes, it's okay. I don't hate you. I'm not going to kick you out, ever. Trust me on that one. Obviously I haven't been doing a good job as your dad for you to think I would kick you out just because you're asexual," he murmurs, kissing my forehead softly. "This is all okay, though?"

"Yes. Yes, it is. Thank you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, kiddo. You've got nothing to apologize for. Love you, Pete. You wanna have a snack and watch a movie?"

"Yes please. Love you too, Dad."


This is sort of shit. I like ace!peter tho it's cute. Might write something like this for spideypool as well???? Idk


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