Coffee and Muffins at Midnight - Spideypool

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College AU

Peter's POV

I check my watch as I walk home from the library. It's past one in the morning. We have exams coming up and I lost track of time while studying.

The moon is high in the dark sky, soft fluffy clouds shifting over the stars. But as much as I'd love to stay out here and admire the night, I'd prefer to head to bed in my dorm.

I make it back to my dorm building on campus, almost getting lost along the way.

There's a figure sitting against the wall, looking cold and bored. He hops to his feet, eyes widening.

"Hey, do you happen to live around here? I got locked out... I don't have my card," he explains, voice a little rough.

I'll admit, he's pretty intimidating, standing somewhere around a foot taller than me, with wide shoulders and a seemingly buff chest too.

"Yeah. I live in this building," I say, starting to shuffle through my bag for my key.

Must be in here somewhere, right?


Ned had come to the library with me to study, we're roommates. He wanted to head home earlier than me, and he had my key on him as well as his own.

"God... Sorry. I don't have mine either. I'll call my roommate," I say, wishing I didn't feel guilty for not being able to immediately help this stranger.

I take out my phone, yawning with a shiver, exhaustion not helping me with keeping me warm.

It rings and rings and rings. But nothing, absolutely nothing. Ned sleeps like a rock.

"Anything?" the man asks hopefully.

"God, sorry," I mumble, trying his cell again, this time it doesn't even go through. Guess I killed his phone too.

"We're both stuck out here?" he groans, rolling his eyes.

"Do you have anybody you could call for help?" I question, letting my bag fall to the ground beside his.

"Nope. Already tried about half a dozen times. Guess we'll have to wait here until morning," the guy says, rolling his eyes again and slumping back to the floor.

"Well at least we're not waiting out here alone," I say, dropping down beside him, our knees touching.

"We might as well get to know each other since we're stuck out here then. I'm Wade, Wade Wilson. I'm 22. 3rd year of Uni," he says, all grinning and happy.

"I'm Peter Parker. 18, My first year," I say, not just shorter by height, but shorter in words too. It's not my fault I skipped dinner and haven't had coffee since morning. I'm exhausted and hungry and cold.

"Man, that sucks. First year was like a disaster and a half for me. Still haven't saved up enough money to get my own apartment which sucks, but at least I don't have a roommate anymore. Except that sucks in a circumstance like this one," he rambles, shrugging and nodding with his own words. Maybe I should ask him if he has any cash, I think there's a Starbucks not too far from here, but I don't want to seem greedy, especially to someone who's kind enough to let me sit with them for the night.

We lapse into silence, and I find myself subconsciously leaning towards his warmth.

He suddenly speaks up, eyes sticking to the floor. "I've seen you around, you know? Not just here, but around the area. I have a couple friends in your classes. They say you're like a genius."

"I'm not a genius. I just try hard. It's a lot of effort," I say, a heavy blush crossing my cheeks.

"I don't believe that. I think it comes naturally to you, huh? I don't get how it's fair for someone with a mind like yours to get a face like that. Like cute and smart? That's just unfair," he says, rolling his eyes teasingly.

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