Mom - Irondad

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Tw probably yeah 

I have like actual stuff to do but instead I'm being depressed bcs I hate myself and eating smarties and writing sad fanfiction and listening to old acoustic troye sivan/TOP music :))) (I got this idea from an AO3 fic so creds to that i guess) -Lyss

Peter is known at school for remembering things. 

He always remembers dates and homework and facts and memories. 

He remembered Ned's cousin's dog's birthday somehow. 

He remembers that it was partly cloudy with a cool breeze on his 11th birthday when he went out for dinner with his aunt and uncle. 

He remembers the day he met Ned down to what he ate for breakfast that day. 

He remembers all of the american presidents by year and alphabetically. 

He remembers all of the European countries and capitals alphabetically and by size. 

He remembers all of the elements on the periodic table in order and by mass. 

But somehow, in his too big brain, he can't remember his mom or his dad. It's all just gone. Just murky nothingness when it comes to his own family. 

Obviously he can remember Aunt May's birthday and he can remember the date they died. But he can't remember what they looked like or anything they had done together or who they were. 

He can remember the smell of pancakes on early Sunday mornings. But he can't remember running down the stairs and meeting his mom in the kitchen. 

He remembers trying his dad's bitter black coffee and hating it. But he can't remember his dad drinking the coffee while reading the news in the morning, or chugging it for a long night in the office. 

He remembers the excitement of getting home from school to see his mom and getting to eat a snack and work on his homework with his dad. But he can't remember seeing his mom when he got home or his dad teaching him how to do algebra in kindergarten. 

He can't remember if his mom had curly brown hair like he does or if she looked different. He can't remember if his mom liked cookies or if she would make him eat his vegetables. He can't remember the day they dropped him off at his Aunt and Uncle's apartment, or saying goodbye to them. He can't remember saying goodbye to his own parents. 

He can't remember his mom's smile. 

And fuck does it ever hurt. 

He doesn't want to ask. 

He doesn't want to bring it up to May and make her sad. He knows it'll make her sad to ask for pictures of his forgotten mom. He can't. He knows it won't help anyways. 

So he wanders off to school, mind far far away, wondering what would have happened if his parents had just not gotten on that plane. 

The first thing he'd have done is made his mom a mother's day card. He remembers those days back in elementary school. The teacher's hadn't realized, maybe they hadn't been told about his parents' accident. They'd get mad when he told them he couldn't do the project. 

They always asked why he didn't just make a card for Aunt May instead. He never had the heart to admit that she didn't want to be seen as his mom. There had been a couple incidents where Peter had called her mom, and she had to explain that she was Aunt not Mom. The message was always clear. Not your mom. Just your caregiver. 

He'd make the cards, address them to May, and throw them out on the way home.

Ned's been looking at him funny all day. Probably because he can't bring himself to respond to half the questions that have been thrown at him. Ned tried to act normal, but has more or less given up now. 

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