Clouds Full of Fear and Storms Full of Sorrow

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Requested by: StillStuckIn2013 user44810659 user55228046 RRjn17 emily-ric Dr-Facilier

Five Times Tony Helped Peter and One Time Peter Helped Tony 


(Originally this was requested to be tonsillitis, but I literally had strep throat like a week ago so I'm switching it just because I don't feel like researching anything. Whoops. Hope that's okay)

Peter thought it was just a sore throat. He thought maybe it was just a sickness. He thought it was fine not to mention it to his dad. Or to anyone else.

As a seventh-grader, you can't be sick. That's the rule. Being sick is uncool.

So, Peter just decided to ignore it. It would be fine.

But his sore throat kept getting worse and worse, and it was getting harder to hide.

"Peter? C'mon, kid. There's obviously something wrong," Tony points out, rolling his eyes as Peter stumbles again. Tony's realized that his kid isn't doing okay, but he's gone through this before. When Peter first got diagnosed with asthma, that had been a scary night when Peter was really little and couldn't breathe. Tony had panicked and took Peter straight to a hospital. Peter got his inhaler and everything was fine. They've had incidents since then, but Peter's good at knowing when to step back from physical activity. This isn't the first time Tony's had a scare with his kid.

"I'm fine," Peter says, straightening up and throwing on a mask of nonchalance. "I'm totally fine, Dad. I don't see why you're freaking out like this."

"I'm not freaking out. I'm worried because it's just like you to be hiding something from me. I'm just here to help," Tony says. Peter's just gotten home from school and it's finally a Friday, meaning they've got the whole weekend if Peter's sick.

"I know, Dad. I'm sorry," Peter mumbles, letting out a quiet sigh. He's exhausted. More tired than he normally would be after a regular day at school.

Tony sighs as well and pulls his kid into a quick hug, pressing a kiss to Peter's temple. "It's okay, kiddie. You wanna tell me what's bugging you?"

"My throat's been hurting," Peter admits quietly, a blush creeping up his cheeks. It sounds stupid now that it's been said aloud. It's just a sore throat.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me. You wanna grab some blankets? I'll make you some of that tea you like and we'll watch a movie and see how you're feeling after you have some medicine, okay?"

Peter nods and heads down the hall to get the blankets off his bed.

Tony adopted Peter when the kid was eight. It's only been four years of them being family, but it's been the best four years of their lives. Peter's parents had died when he was five and he spent the next three years in a nice orphanage on the east coast thanks to the Parker's wealth they acquired from years of being renowned scientists.

Tony found out about Peter through someone in the industry. They mentioned how they couldn't believe it had been three years since Richard Parker had died and Tony remembered knowing them and their son before the accident. He had been close friends with Richard and Mary since University. He found Peter that day and adopted him within a week.

Carrying the steaming mug of tea, in Peter's favourite Iron Man mug, Tony walks into the living room to find Peter already curled up against the arm of the couch, doe eyes blinking slowly at the blank television screen.

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