5 Times Peter Wouldn't Accept a Gift - Irondad

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And the one time he did


The first time there was an incident involving Tony trying to gift something to Peter, was just after the battle between Iron Man and Captain America.

Peter had just begun interning for Tony and the two of them had started to properly get to know each other, as more than just allies to a team.

Tony's POV

I wasn't looking where I was going and the guilt was instantaneous.

The heavy tool had slipped from my grasp and hit the table with a sickening shatter. Except, it wasn't the table, it was Peter's laptop.

It shouldn't have mattered as much as I felt like it did, because I'm a billionaire. I'd be able to buy like a thousand replacement laptops for the kid, but that didn't stop the guilt from welling up inside me.

The next day, Peter came back to the tower for his internship, prepared to do some good work, but his laptop was gone, and he looked pretty lost.

"Hey, kid. Listen, there was a little accident last night, and I slipped and broke your laptop. So I got you a new one to make up for it," I said, smiling as I presented the new laptop to him.

His old one had been used, missing a couple keys on the keyboard, the screen took forever to boot up, cracks on the surface, and it died too quickly. He should've been so happy to have a new one.

But he shook his head and took a small step back from me.

"No. I can't accept this from you, Mister Stark. I can get myself a new one. Plus, I don't really need one right now. The school year is almost over and I can work during the summer to pay for a new one. Really... I can't take this," he said, waving his hands a little too dramatically.

"It's no problem, kid. This won't even make a dent in my bank account. It was my fault your old one broke, so I made it up to you," I said, honestly confused as to why he didn't just accept the gift.

"No. No, I'm serious, Mister Stark. Return it. Give it to someone who needs it more. I don't need it. Don't deserve it. It wasn't your fault. You didn't have to buy me a new one, you just had to apologize. I can't accept this from you," he explained, obviously trying to get through to me.

"It's no problem, kid. Seriously. Just take it. I need something to spend my money on," I said, shrugging.

"If you need something to spend your money on, don't make it me," he had said, shaking his head with suddenly glassy eyes.

And before I had the chance to say anything, I heard the front door shut behind him.


It was only a couple months later that it happened again. Tony had kept the laptop, and left it in Peter's workstation, but the kid never opened it. Stuck to using crappy school computers and the spare computers around the lab. Never touched the new one like it was diseased or something.

Tony had stopped trying to buy gifts for the kid, but on his Facebook, Aunt May had posted a picture, wishing Peter a Happy Birthday.

He figured that it would be the perfect time to finally get Peter something nice from him.

Unfortunately, it didn't go quite as well as he planned it to.

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