Cold Nights Don't Have to be Spent Alone - Spideypool

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Peter's POV

Spiders don't do good in cold.

This is one of the very unfortunate side effects of the bite.

Especially when it's becoming winter. In New York. Not fun. Honestly.

Especially since I get migraines really easily if I'm not giving my body exactly what it needs like warmth and nutrients. I'll get migraines which really quickly leads to sensory overloads and that normally leads to panic attacks. Really not a fun combo.

So it's really just my luck when I get back to the apartment after a pretty bad day at school to find the heater has broken. Again.

May's still at the hospital for work, probably will be all night. It's apparently been really busy lately which sucks in itself, but this means I'm alone to try to warm myself up. Which basically means I'm going to have a sucky night of panic attacks from sensory overloads from migraines. Wow. I love life.

I curl up under as many blankets as I can find with some tea and a movie. But after only half an hour, I'm shivering and I can feel the pain starting to crawl its way into my skull.

I already want to cry and it's barely 5 pm. Mister Stark is all the way in Mexico right now for meetings and stuff. I can't remember the details, but I'm not going to call him to come all the way back to New York just so he can warm me up. Plus, my suit's with him anyways so I don't even have my heated suit with me.

It's just me against the cold.

An hour goes by and I start another movie, deciding to put off homework. With how bad my hands are starting to shake, I don't think I'd be able to hold a pencil anyways.

The tv drones on, but I can't find the willpower in me to focus. This is one of the worst things about my spider powers. I love the sticking to things and the spidey senses and everything. But why did I have to acquire this trait too?

I find myself wishing for warmth more than anything. I've always been a physical person. Always in need of hugs and kisses and warmth and cuddles. It starts feeling like I'm dying if I'm starved of physical attention for more than a couple days.

Aunt May's pretty good. She hugs me a lot and if she's not working and I'm having a bad night, we'll cuddle on the couch.

Mister Stark's gotten better at it. It's gone from affectionate shoulder pats and hair ruffles, to cuddling while watching Lord of the Rings again. But only sometimes. It's still a sometimes thing.

The only person I've really got who's just as needy as me is my boyfriend, Wade Wilson.

Unfortunately, last I heard, he was in like Denmark for another crazy mission thing. He's been gone for 2 weeks so I'm already feeling lonely and bored and sad without him.

I've got a little bit of attachment issues, but so does Wade so it sort of balances itself out.

To: Sexy Motherfucka (Wade picked out his own name for my phone)
From: Baby Boy

I love youuuuuu

Surprisingly, he answers pretty quickly.

To: Baby Boy
From: Sexy Motherfucka

I just got back a couple hours ago. Wanna come by? I love you too

To: Sexy Motherfucka
From: Baby Boy

I don't think I can move.
Frozen solid
Come to mine?
I missed you
A lot

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