One Punch - Spiderson

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!this chapter swears a lot so warning you now, if you don't like swearing, don't read!

Natasha's POV

Me and Steve stand completely silent off to the side as Tony and Peter argue. Well it's more Tony arguing angrily and Peter desperately trying to get a word in to defend his case.

"It's not my fault, Mister Stark. They were all there and I tried to-" Peter says, eyes glassy as he takes a shaky step away from Tony.

"Don't you dare say that it's not your fault! People could've died, Peter! They would've if I hadn't showed up! You keep throwing yourself recklessly into these situations that could be easily avoided! You're so stupid!" Tony yells, throwing his hands up.

"But nobody died, Mister Stark. I wasn't going to let anyone die-" Peter pleads, shoulders shaking.

"They would've! They would've died if I hadn't shown up! If I hadn't saved your stupid ass! What would have happened if Karen didn't alert me?!" Tony says, rolling his eyes.

"I don't know," Peter whispers, shoulders dropping in defeat, but this doesn't stop Tony from continuing.

"You're so fucking stupid! People could've died! And you wouldn't care, would you?! You just care about pleasing the avengers, don't you?! That's all you care about! Every good deed is just selfish, isn't it?!" Tony shouts, squaring his shoulders with his dark eyes. Peter's starting to shake pretty badly and he looks terrified.

"C'mon, Tony. It was an accident," Steve tries, freezing when Tony sends him a cold glare.

"It was not an accident!" Tony yells, turning back to the trembling kid. "You're so fucking stupid! Getting yourself into that! God! And to think I was actually considering letting you join the avengers! You're so fucking stupid!"

"Please, Mister Stark... It's not-I didn't mean to- I wasn't-" A quiet whimper escapes Peter's throat and his whole body trembles.

"God, now you're going to act like a baby. Great. Just fucking great. Why are you even still here?! Why did I ever think you'd be a good addition to the team?!" Tony stops for a second, taking another daunting step towards Peter.

The tears spill over Peter's cheeks and Tony rolls his dark eyes again, letting out a humorless laugh.

Before I can react, Peter is hitting the floor, body curling into a ball as he cries, begging to be left alone. The sound of skin hitting skin echoing in my ears. 

Tony let's out a heaving sigh, rolling his eyes again. "I'm going to bed."

And he stumbles off.

I drop to my knees beside Peter, carefully touching his shaking shoulders.

He peeks out from his arms, eyes big, brown, and sad.

"I'm sorry," he sobs. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gone into that building. I shouldn't have gone against what Mister Stark said. I was so stupid. I'm sorry."

There's a big red handprint on Peter's pale cheek from where Tony slapped him, making my heart seize.

"Steve. Steve, will you go check on Tony? Beat him up if you can?" I suggest, turning to the conflicted hero.

Steve nods and hurries out while I pull the teenager into my arms.

"It's not your fault, kid. You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't deserve that. Tony's the stupid one," I say, running my fingers through his unruly curls. There's a deep anger pushing at my chest. How dare Tony think he could hurt a kid? How dare he think that this was okay? Peter was just trying his best to do what was right because all of us were just going to ignore the problems again. He's already done this to the kid before back when there was the whole affair with the alien tech or whatever. I thought he was just a softie at heart, especially for the kid, but I guess not. I guess he grew up to be the one person he swore he'd never be, his father.

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