Outrunning Karma - Civil War AU

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Requested By: lynniax

Bucky had tried to ignore it. He remembered it clearly, just like he remembered every life he had taken during his period of being the Winter Soldier. He remembered, but he didn't want to act upon the realization.

He knew, deep down, he wouldn't be a good father. He knew that leaving the kid out of it would be better than fixing things.

Because Bucky remembers it clearly.

He remembers the woman.

He remembers that night.

He remembers being told.

"You're a father."

"I'm The Winter Soldier."

Like it really made a difference.


Bucky tried to ignore it as he got his life back in order. He found a tiny, cheap apartment. A shitty part-time job at a gas station.

He tried to ignore it, even when he knew the mother had died when the kid was little and now the kid would be twelve and somewhere in the foster system.

He tried to ignore it, but one day, a kid walked into the gas station.

"Excuse me, sir," the girl squeaked.

"Yes?" Bucky said, turning to face the young girl. She must've been nine-years-old.

"Do you have any change you could spare? My brother- My foster brother- is very sick and my foster father won't pay for the medicine. Even just a quarter could go a long way," the little girl said, eyes wide and glassy as she stared up at Bucky.

Bucky couldn't help but pull out his wallet and give the girl all the money he had. So, what if he had to skip a few days of meals? These kids need the money and he'll be damned if he doesn't help.

The girl almost cried with joy.

Bucky tried to ignore it, but there was a sinking feeling in his chest and he just couldn't let it go.

What if his kid was the one who was dying? What if his kid had an incompetent foster parent? What if his kid was suffering because of Bucky's actions as the Winter Soldier?

Bucky made a decision.

He'd find the kid and if it was good, he wouldn't interfere.


It wasn't good.

It wasn't good at all.

Little Peter Parker (having taken the name of his mother) wasn't doing well at all.

Bucky tried to ignore it. He really did.

But the moment he saw Peter's Bambi eyes widening with hope as he looked at Bucky, he knew he couldn't ignore it any longer.


Bucky's apartment isn't big, not in the slightest.

It's two rooms, the main room and the tiny bathroom. His living room is where his bed is and it's right next to his small kitchen, only enough room for a mini fridge and a microwave plus storage space.

It's small, too small to be considered cozy, and it's nearly impossible for Bucky to even get custody of the kid, but he manages.

The way the kid's eyes light up with hope when Bucky tells him the news is enough to make the whole ordeal worth it.

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