Substitute Teachers - Irondad

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A continuation of 4 Times Peter Lied About Being Okay and One Time he Admitted he Wasn't - Part 3

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Tony was working on really well-working noise-cancelling headphones that are foldable so other mutants/supers can use them like Peter if they've got heightened senses when his phone rings.

At first, he's not too worried, Peter calls him all the time. But 7 pm was a weird time for Peter. Normally this is when he'd be having dinner with May before he'd go on patrol. He waits until during or after patrol to call.

So Tony picks up the phone, confused and worried as to why Peter would decide to call him now.

"Hey, kid, a little early for a phone call. Did May burn down the kitchen trying to cook?" Tony teases, using his shoulder to hold the phone to his ear as he continues to work.

"Mister Stark? Could I come over after patrol? Just for the night," Peter asks, voice a little too high, a little too shaky.

"Is everything okay, kid?" Tony asks, dropping his project and turning his full attention to the phone call.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, Mister Stark."

"You're not okay, kid. If you just told me what was going on without me having to pry it from you every time, it would make my job a lot easier," Tony sighs, already ready to give Happy the go-ahead to get a car out front.

"I'm fine, Mister Stark," Peter insists exasperatedly, but his voice cracks halfway through and the older knows he's about to cry.

"C'mon, Petey. I can come to get you right now if you want. You're welcome to stay, I just don't want you to feel like you have to stay wherever you are until after patrol. Do you want to talk, kid?"

There's a few seconds pause before Peter's voice comes back, softer than ever. "I'm fine, Mister Stark. I'll be back around 11 or 12. You don't need to wait up for me."

"Of course I'm going to wait up for you. Do you really think I go to bed at 12? And don't think I'm just going to drop this. If you don't feel up to it, I won't make you spill tonight, but I do want to know why I get to be graced by your presence on a Tuesday night," Tony says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Okay, Mister Stark," Peter replies and Tony can practically hear the teen rolling his eyes. "I'll see you in a few hours then. Bye."

"Bye, underoos. Be safe on patrol."

Peter shows up at the tower at half past midnight, saying he got caught up in a mugging situation and had walked the kids home.

"That's fine, kiddo. I just want to know what was so important that you needed to spend the night here? I don't mind, it's just... Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, Mister Stark," Peter replies, pulling off his mask and tossing it onto the coffee table.

"Right..." Tony says, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "I know you're lying. There's something up."

"It's whatever, okay? It's stupid. It'll all be fine by morning."

"It's upsetting you, therefore it is not just whatever. I'll call May," Tony threatens, but it doesn't seem to work as well as it normally would.

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